编译原理chapter 6 -1.ppt

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编译原理chapter 6 -1

Chapter 6 Symbol Table Instructor Jianhui Yue Software College @ SCU compilerscu@21 Major Data Structure The symbol table is a major inherited attribute in a compiler and, after the syntax tree, forms the major data structure. In practical compilers, the symbol table is often involved even with scanner. The principal symbol table operations Insert: stores information provided by name declarations when processing these declarations Lookup: retrieves the information associated to a name when that name is used in the associated code. Delete: removes the information provided by a declaration when this declaration no longer applies. Dictionary Data Structure The symbol table is a typical dictionary data structure. The efficiency of the three basic operations vary according to the organization of the data structure. Typical implementations of dictionary structures Linear lists Various search trees (binary search trees, AVL, B trees) Hash tables The hash table often provides the best choice for implementing the symbol table. All three operations can be performed in almost constant time. Hush Table A hash table is an array of entries, called buckets, indexed by an integer range. A hush function turns the search key into an integer hash value in the index range, and the item corresponding to the search key is stored in the bucket at this index. Care must be taken so that the hush function distributes the key indices as uniformly as possible over the index range, since the hash collisions cause a performance degradation in the lookup and delete operations. Hush function must operate in a constant or almost constant time. Collision Resolution Open addressing Each bucket is capable of holding only one item. Collisions are resolved by inserting new items in successive buckets. The contents of the hash table are limited by the size of the array used for the table. It is difficult to implement a delete operation. Separate chaining Each bucket is a linear (linked) list. Col


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