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package gridsim.example08; /* * Author Anthony Sulistio * Date: December 2003 * Description: A simple program to demonstrate of how to create your own * allocation policy.此程序用以演示如何自己创建分配策略 * * NOTE: The values used from this example are taken from the GridSim paper. * /gridsim/此程序中使用到的数据来源于有关GridSim的研究论文 * $Id: Example8.java,v 1.3 2004/05/29 05:53:28 anthony Exp $ */ import java.util.*; import gridsim.*; /** * Example8 class */ class Example8 extends GridSim { private Integer ID_;//Integer是对象 private String name_; private GridletList list_; private GridletList receiveList_; private int totalResource_; /** * Allocates a new Example8 object * @param name the Entity name of this object * @param baud_rate the communication speed * @param total_resource the number of grid resources available * @throws Exception This happens when creating this entity before * initializing GridSim package or the entity name is * ttnull/tt or empty * @see gridsim.GridSim#Init(int, Calendar, boolean, String[], String[], * String) */ Example8(String name, double baud_rate, int total_resource, int numGridlet) throws Exception { super(name, baud_rate); _ = name; this.totalResource_ = total_resource; this.receiveList_ = new GridletList(); // Gets an ID for this entity为该实体获得一个ID地址 this.ID_ = new Integer( getEntityId(name) ); System.out.println(Creating a grid user entity with name = + name + , and id = + this.ID_); // Creates a list of Gridlets or Tasks for this grid user为该网格用户创建Gridlets或者任务列表 this.list_ = createGridlet(this.ID_.intValue(), numGridlet); System.out.println(name + :Creating + this.list_.size() + Gridlets); } /** * The core method that handles communications among Gri


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