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我国城市公共交通运营民营化探析 摘要:城市公共交通是城市重要的基础设施.我国城市化进程的快速发展,必然要求高效的公共交通建设与之相匹配。在政府垄断公交运营的传统模式下,城市公交服务效率低质量差,公共交通建设滞后的局面得不到根本的改善。而公交运营民营化作为提高城市公交运营效率最有效的途径,是我国城市公交发展的必然选择。公交运营民营化的成效在许多国家和地区的实践中得到论证,但是公交民营化在我国还是新生事物,我国许多城市的公交运营民营化改革在实践探索中出现了很多问题。本文的开头简要地介绍了我国公共交通运营的现状,分析了公交运营民营化的发展趋势,并指出我国城市在公交运营民营化改革实践探索存在的问题,在此基础上以湖北十堰市公共交通民营化改革为例,深入探索该市城市公交运营民营化过程中存在的问题及其根源,提出改善我国城市公交运营民营化的对策。 Abstract: Urban public transportation is an important infrastructure in the city. As the rapid development of China’s urbanization process, there is an essential requirement for efficient public transportation to match the building. Government monopoly the operation of public transportation in the traditional mode, the low efficiency and the poor quality of the public transportation services, and the situation that public transportation construction lags behind present need can not be root out. The effectiveness of privatization operate of public transportation have been demonstrated in many countries and regions, but it is still a new thing in China. There have been many problems in practice of public transportation privatization operation reform in many cities of China. This article briefly introduces the present situation of Chinas public transportation operation, analyzes its development trend of privatization, and points out that the existing problems of reform in practice at the beginning. And then use the Shiyan City in Hubei as an example, explore it’s the problems and causes of urban public transportation operation in the process of privatization, so as to advance some suggestions to Chinas urban public transportation operators privatization. 关键词:城市公共交通;民营化;政府责任 目录 一、我国城市公共交通运营的现状及其发展趋势……………………………2 (一)我国城市公共交通运营的现状…………………………………………2 1、城市公共交通出行分担率低 ………………………………………………2 2、公交服务质量差 ……………………………………………………………3 3、公交企业普遍亏损严重 ……………………………………………………3 4、政府对公交的资金投入不足 ………………………………………………3 (二)我国城市公共交通的发展趋势——公交运营的民营化………………4 1、公交运营民营化的理论和现实基础 ………………………………………5 2、国外公交民营化改革对我国的启发 ………………………………………5 3、我国城市在公交运营民营化实


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