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121. In “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, hills, vales, lakes, bays and the daffodils are parts of nature, and “daffodils” symbolize the beauty of nature. 122. In 1805, Wordsworth completed a long autobiographical poem entitled Lucy Poems. 123. The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Coleridge’s masterpiece The Rime of Ancient Mariner. 124. Walter Scott’s chief contribution to English literature lies in his novels of history. 125. Walter Scott’s literary career marked the transition from romanticism to realism, which followed it. 126. Walt Scott’s historical novels paved the path for the development of the ____ novel of the 19th century. 127. The central heroes of Scott’s novels are young men of valor with _____ birth, but appeared in the novels ascommon men, poor, persecuted and faced with innumerable hardship. 128. Rob Roy and Ivanhoe are the historical novels written by _____ in the period of _____. 129. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, written by _____, is a travelogue, narrated by a melancholy, passionate, well-read, and very eloquent tourist. 130. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage was written in Spenserian stanza in four cantos; the name of the hero stresses theancient and noble origin, designating a young knight. 131. Don Juan is the masterpiece of ______, telling the adventures in Don Juan in the leading countries of _____. 132. Queen Mab is a crude poem written by _____, attacking dogmatic religion, government, industrial tyranny, andwar. 133. The Revolt of Islam is a long narrative poem in Spenserian stanza, written by _____, proclaiming a bloodlessrevolution and the regeneration of man by love. 134. Prometheus Unbound is a lyrical drama written by _____. 135. The two functions in ______’s Ode to the West Wind are ________ and ______. 136. “To a Nightingale” is one of the best odes written by _____. 137. Jane Austen was the first woman writer to touch the theme of the predicament of women. 138. The themes of Jane Austen’s novels are marriage, love, and domestic duty.


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