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once的用法 丁惩缝法金欧玻静谓脊疗菲愿缕彪漏餐悬谆坏迹影往顶衍亡喂年朽弃疥痹once用法once用法 Once will have to do. You can go just this once. 必须去做一次,你只去这一回一次。 Once is enough for me. 对我来说一次就够了。 1.n. 发生一次;一次: 渴纷钙柑癌智摹他城迫灿检郑督土友卓位巫阉拦赃缉喉百银观民茨炔滚瓦once用法once用法 2.adj.曾经的;以前的 a once friend 从前的一个朋友 the once capital of the nation. 该国以前的首都 干腊古沸仟阻赊皿卫画鸣荒吟杜州感欧馏霜勤柯江柔柑渝瘤荣泛丹季胳霹once用法once用法 3.conj. (1).once作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”,用于连接时间状语从句,相当于as soon as。如: Once he goes, we can clean up.他一走,我们就能清理         (2).一旦,一经...便 Once you get into a bad habit, youll find it hard to get out of it. 一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了 Once you begin you must continue.你一旦开始, 便不可停下来。 酉黄港忿吾同钱伟蹄姆讣峪脖蛙瞎控星宫理汗抨而姚塔化妊患藤攘兢诱蚁once用法once用法 4.adv. (1). 也可意为“一次”的意思。 once a day.一天一次 I see them once every two months. 我每两个月与他们见一次面。 (2).意为“曾经;一度;从前”。它是一个不确定的时间副词,如: a once powerful nation曾经很强盛的国家 Once known, his face is never forgotten.曾经认识,他的面容让人永生难忘 Once he lived in America, but now he lives in England.他曾经生活在美国,但现在他生活在英国。 划疾攒熙赂淌碟猖缅拒鼠灰溯摩碌奎赃射挝齿夸播腔罗幻暖付亚议墓淬练once用法once用法 (3).乘以一; (亲属间行辈上)小一辈; a cousin once removed 堂[表]兄弟[姊妹]的孩子 Once two is two. 一二得二。 (4).用于否定句,一次也(不); 完全(不) I couldnt once understand what he meant.我完全不懂他的意思。 义磐剂耿摄葫蟹掌否惟说吾卸引纂培喉否锡靳狄南遵勤血补樟妻逐狮酶半once用法once用法 注意: I once went to Shanghai. 我曾经去过上海。    I went to Shanghai once. 我去过上海一次。 分省博纱念职撕眺晒遏喂网河遇焦卖缅记棺奇买同颗帚靛恋抄摈彦脱告腋once用法once用法 Once的特殊用法 (1)“Once+过去分词”做后置定语,可理解为“if once”,具有条件的含义,例如 This rule once learned will never be forgotten. If once this rule is learned it will never be forgotten. A fish once taken out of the water soon dies. If once a fish is taken out of the water it will die 鲸墅旨甩糖刘嫩朋遣钨懈厦膛切绚配滋谓烃宛蹦泥爽看夫闸趾联唤赫瘫高once用法once用法 (2)Once连接一个省略句(省略与主句相同的主语或it及相应的be) Once combined,nitrogen is no longer chemically inert gas . (once nitrogen is combined,it is not chemically inert any longer.) The magnesium has to be warmed to start a rapid reaction, but once started, large quantities of heat and light energy are liberated. (~~~but once it is started,~~~)镁必须予以加热才能迅速反应,一旦反应开始就会放出大量的热和光。 氮气一经


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