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英语应用文推荐信 篇一:考研英语应用文写作范文之推荐信 考研英语应用文写作范文之推荐信 推荐信 结构要点推荐信是向收信人推荐某人做某事的信件,一般分为三个部分: 1.指出被推荐的人及推荐的原因; 2.介绍被推荐人的情况; 3.总结说明被推荐人值得被推荐(例如能胜任工作)。 Suppose you are Li Ming, a professor of East China Normal University. Now write a letter of recommendation for your colleague Professor Wang Xin, who is going to teach Chinese in an Englishspeaking country, in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using 揕i Ming?instead.To Whom It May Concern, I am writing to recommend to you my colleague Professor Wang Xin for the Chinese language teaching position in your renowned university without reservation. I have been working with Professor Wang for almost twenty years and he strikes me as a most intelligent, diligent and responsible teacher. He has teaching a large range of subjects covering both language and culture. Professor Wang has been a visiting scholar in the United States for three years and thus his English reading and writing abilities are both strong. Since he has rich experience in teaching overseas students, I fully believe he will do an excellent job if you decide to give him a chance. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Faithfully yours, Li Ming 推荐信 语言注意点推荐信应多写被推荐人的优点,肯定其成绩。但内容应真实可信,语言热情得体。切忌夸大其实。 You are asked to write a letter of recommendation for Miss Liu Ming who wants to study for the Masters Degree under the supervision of Professor Smith who was once your supervisor in your graduate study. Write a letter to Prof. Smith in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using 揕i Ming?instead.Dear Prof. Smith, It has always been a great pleasure to write to you since I can never fail to get help, inspiration or enlightenment from you. Now I am writing to recommend to you Miss Liu Ming who wants to pursue her graduate study for the Masters Degree under your supervision. Miss Liu Ming was one of my classmates in Tianjin University. She was one of the most excellent stu



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