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JLY3809机立窑(总体及传动部件)设计 摘要:目前,机立窑存在二大技术和工艺难点:一是立窑煅烧热工不稳,严重影响水泥各项物理性能;二是立窑单窑产量低,不能适应当今各行各业的发展形势。因此,JLY3809机立窑在这种情况下应运而生。而机立窑的传动装置在机立窑的整体结构中起到极其重要的作用。在对生产现场全面调研的基础上,对生产现状进行了有效分析,确定了传动装置的总体设计方案。为了提高水泥生产中机立窑的传动效率,满足生产工艺和生产量的需求,应用最优化方法,确定速比系数的分配,大、小齿轮的设计。设计了轴的结构,进行了轴的强度校核计算。确定了机立窑转速,选择合理的润滑形式。另外,大立轴是传动的主要部分,带动塔篦子低速转动,承受巨大的载荷,是保证机立窑正常工作的关键,因此需要有高的可靠性、良好的稳定性和合理的经济性。通过几种方案的比较,轴承的选择采用了最优的设计方案,从而增加机立窑的传动平稳性和使用寿命,大大提高了机立窑运转率。机体工作运行平稳,安装维修方便。 关键词:机立窑;传动装置;优化;大立轴 The overall and transmission device design of 3809 mechanical upright kiln Abstract: There are two main difficulties of mechanical upright kiln presented both on technology and on process. First, the hot working of the kiln is unsteady, which seriously affects the physical performance of the cement; second, the output of the single-kiln is low, which cannot adapt to the intensified development situation in various professions. As a result, 3809 mechanical upright kiln is appeared in this situation. The transmission device plays a vital role in the whole configuration of the kiln. On the basis of comprehensive investigation and study, the present production situation has been analyzed and the transmisson device has been designed in order to enhance transmission efficiency of the kiln in the cement production, satisfy meet production process and productivity demands. By using optimization method, the definite transmission ratio,ball gear and pinion gear have been designed at first.Then the axis structure and intensity examination computation have been completed too. After determining the kiln rotational speed, chooses the reasonable lubrication form. Moreover, the large vertical spindle is the main part in the transmission, it impetuses the cone type to discharge grate at a low speed and withstands huge load, which is the key to ensure the normal work of the kiln. This calls for high reliability, good stability and reasonable economical efficiency. By comparing several plans, the optimization method was confirme


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