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中小民营企业员工激励机制研究作者:朱晓兰 摘 要激励是人力资源管理的核心,也是管理功能的精髓。激励的最根本的目的是正确地诱导员工的工作动机,不断增加其满意度,使他们在实现组织目标的同时达到自身的需要,从而充分调动他们的积极性和创造性,最终实现企业与个人双赢。随着中国现代零售业的快速发展,人才流失、管理人员缺乏、人员素质不高、结构不合理等人力资源管理问题日益突显,人成为企业最重要的核心资产,企业的发展离不开员工才能的发挥,而激励是员工努力工作的动力源泉。越来越多的零售企业开始重视这些问题,尤其是如何有效地激励员工,激发其工作的积极性、创造性已成为零售企业人力资源管理的一个重要研究课题。本文通过对激励机制理论的阐述以及中小民营企业介绍,引入员工激励机制,结合所在单位 XYA 实业有限公司员工激励现状及存在问题的分析和描述,探寻适合该类公司特点的人才激励机制和有针对性的改善措施,对于提高我国中小民营企业员工的激励绩效,具有非常重要的现实和借鉴意义。【关键词】中小民营企业 激励机制 存在问题 解决对策AbstractIncentive is the core of human resource management, is also the essence of management functions. Incentives of the most fundamental purpose is to correctly inducing the work motivation of employees, increase their satisfaction, so that they in the realization of organizational goals and meet their need, so as to fully mobilize their enthusiasm and creativity, finally realizes the enterprise and individual win-win. With the rapid development of Chinese modern retailing, the brain drain, lack of management personnel, personnel quality is not high, the structure unreasonable and so on human resources management problems highlighted increasingly, people become the most important core assets, enterprise's development cannot leave the employees to play, and motivation empowers employees to work hard. More and more retail enterprises begin to attach importance to these problems, especially how to effectively motivate employees, arouse their working enthusiasm and creativity has become a retail enterprise human resources management is an important research topic. Based on the theory of incentive mechanism, and small and medium-sized private enterprises is introduced, the introduction of employee incentive mechanism, combined with the work unit XYA industrial co., LTD employees incentive analysis and description of the status quo and problems, explore the talent incentive mechanism and suited to the characteristics of the the company targeted improvement measures, to improve the performance of small and medium-sized priv


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