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PAGE PAGE 17 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 套印精度对印品色彩再现的影响 培养部门 电子工程系 专业名称 印刷技术 学生姓名 学号 导师姓名 职称 2012年3月 摘 要 在评价印刷品质量时,通常我们最常用的两个标准一个是颜色一个就是套印精度。彩色制版是一个色彩的分解过程,而彩色印刷是一个色彩的组合过程,这个色彩的组合过程就叫套印。可见实现良好而准确的套印对于印刷出好的产品是多么的重要。套印一般指的是各色图文被转印到承印物规定的几何位置上,各色图文的轮廓套印精度符合行业标准的基本要求。对于某些印刷品(例如:精密的国界线,导航图等),基本套印不仅包含有上述的要求外,还要求图文必须符合原图尺寸。一般套印准确的要求不仅仅局限于同一张印刷品上的不同色,而且同一印刷品的正背两面,同一批产品的印张之间都应当达到相当的标准。在实际工作中容易导致套印不准的原因多种多样:从工作流程上看,几乎每一个环节(材料准备,制版,印刷)都会成为产生套印不准的根源,其产生的原因也是多种多样。 本文就套印精度对印品色彩再现的影响和印刷过程中较常见套印问题做一些基本的介绍。 关键词:印刷;套印精度;印品质量 summary carry out good but accurate set of print for print a good product is what importance.Set prints a general of is each color diagram text is turned to print to accept to print thing rules of several what position up, the outline set of each color diagram text prints accuracy to match profession standard of basic request.For some handouts(for example:The national boundary line of nicety, navigates diagram etc.), basic set of in addition to printing not only include have the above-mentioned request, also request a diagram text to have to match original diagram size.General set of print accurate request not only limit at the same handout up of different color, and just carrying on the back of the same handout both sides, printing of the same product of the pieces should attain equal standard.Easily making the set printed the reason for prohibiting in the middle of physically working is varied:Sees from the workflow, almost each link(the material preparation makes a version, printing) will become the creation set source that prints to prohibit, the reason of its creation is also varied. This text set print accuracy to print a problem to do some basic introduction towards printing the article color reappears of influence and printing process winning more familiar set of. Keyword:Print;The set prints accuracy;Print article quality 目 录 第一章 套印概述…………………………………………………………………1 一、彩色印品质量的评价方法…………………………………………………1


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