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专业英语习题 Unit 1 The Common Law and Its Competitors I. Give the Chinese Meaning of the Underlined Word or Phrase The curriculum and the materials studied are much the same in all law schools. 课程 Outside its home base, law has no validity at all. 有效性 Each legal system is specific to its country or its jurisdiction. 管辖权 There never was an English equivalent of the Napoleonic Code. 等值的对应的 The common law reigns wherever the English language is spoken 统治 In Canada, the civil law is dominated in the French-speaking province of Quebec. 主导的 These superstatutes are enacted by the national parliament. 超法规 This tenacious local system was the so-called common law. 本地系统 For one thing, the common law resisted codification. 编纂 The English brought the common law to their colonies and it took root and thrived. 繁荣 The legal systems of the English-speaking world have a definite family resemblance. 相似的 The English were not seduced by the majesty of Rome. 诱惑的 For example, the jury is a common-law institution. 例如,陪审团是一个普通法制度。The common law also has its own peculiar features of substance, structure, and culture. 特点 In the 1990s, the countries of Eastern Europe renounced communism. 放弃 Lawyers in Mexico work in the private sector and are not employees of the government. 部门 In general, it is a fairly crude business to assign legal systems to this or that family. 天然的 We have to remember that a legal system is not an exercise in history. 运动的变化的 II. Fill in Each Blank with a Proper Word or Phrase Given Below A law student usually studies the law of acountry. Legal education tends tomany of the differences between the laws of the various states. Law is strictly defined by_________: it stops at the border. The laws of Australia and New Zealand are not that far. In most cases, members of a legal family are in a senserelated. Members of this family owe a common ________to a modernized version of Roman Law. The civil law plays a majorin countries like Japan and Turkey. These are sta


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