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Charpter 13 Compentency-Based Language Teaching2016.11LOREM IPSUM DOLOR能力导向型教学法源于美国70年代出现的能力型教育运动。将这一方法应用到语言教学中来,教学目标就是训练学生的输出型能力。 BackgroundMost Ms & As Most Ms & As in this book focus on inputs to LL by improving syllabuses, materials, and activities or by changing the role of Ls & Ts for more effective LL. Competency-Based Education CBE by comparison is an educational movement focuses on outcomes or outputs of learning in the development of language programs.BackgroundCBE addresses what the learners are expected to do with the language, however they learned to do it.CBE emerged in the US in the 1970s and refers to an educational movement that advocates defining educational goals in terms of precise measurable descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors Ss should possess at the end of a course of study.为了培养学生未来生活所需的能力,能力型教育运动极其重视学习结果而不是输入,主张将教育目标确定为可测量的知识、技能、行为。能力导向型教学法是美国19世纪70年代兴起的一项教育运动。能力导向型教学法提倡多方位制定教育目标,主要从课程学习结束时学生所必须掌握的知识,技能,行为习惯等方面。Characteristics of CBE1、类似之处CBE has much in common with such approaches to learning as performance-based instruction成果导向型, mastery learning掌握型学习 and individualized instruction个性化指导. It is outcome-based and is adaptive to the changing needs of students, teachers and the community. 2、不同之处Competencies differ from other goals and objectives in that they describe the S’s ability to apply basic and other skills in situations that are commonly encountered in everyday life. Thus CBE is based on a set of outcomes that are derived from an analysis of tasks typically required of students in real situations.【日常生活场景为依据】【角色—能力—要求】CBLT的出现及发展By the end of 1970: It has been widely adoptedLanguage design for work-related andsurvival-oriented Especially for adultsCBLT的出现及发展Revently——Reemerge Reemerge in some parts of the worldA major approach to plan language pro.“the most improtant breakthrough in adult ESL” CBLT的出现及发展By the 1990s: “the state-of -the-art approach to adult ESL by national policymakers and leaders in curriculum developme


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