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参考译文:著名的意大利自由潜水员恩佐.马奥尔去世 BBC news with Illy Mckew. BBC 新闻。 President elect Donald Trump has said that between 2 and 3 million illegal immigrants will be deported from the United States after he takes office. And in an interview with the American TV station CBS, Mr.Trump said those with criminal records including gang members and drug dealers would be the priority. 刚刚当选美国总统的唐纳德.特朗普表示,他在上台以后,会将美国的200万到300万的非法移民清除出美国。在CBS的美国电视采访中,特朗普说在这些非法移民中,首先被驱逐出去的就是那些有犯罪记录,犯罪团伙成员,毒品交易者。 Iraqi government forces say theyve recaptured Limroot, the site of ancient city south of Mousoul that was run by the Islamic state group two years ago. The old city, once the capital of the Syrian Empire was completely destroyed by IS last year. 伊拉克政府武装力量表示他们将会重新夺回在摩苏尔南部的古城遗址,该遗址在两年前被伊斯兰国激进分子占领。这座古城曾经是叙利亚帝国的的首都,但是在去年被伊斯兰国摧毁。 New Zealand is assessing the situation on its south island after it was hit by a strong earthquake followed by a tsunami. People along the east coast left their homes and moved to higher ground, but the alert has not been downgraded to a coastal warning. At least two people were killed. 新西兰的一座南部岛屿在遭受强烈地震后又遭遇了海啸。沿线海岸的人们被迫离开自己的家园,搬到更高的地方。但是警报仍旧没有降到安全警戒。现在至少已经有两人死亡。 Its emerged the suicide bomber who staged undatious attack on the background airbase in Afghanistan on Saturday worked inside the facility. He was a former Taliban fighter who had joined the peace process. Four US citizens died when the man blew himself up within the compound. 据调查,一名周六在阿富汗巴格拉姆空军基地发动自杀式袭击的男子就是该基地的工作人员。该男子曾是一名塔利班战士。他曾经加入过维和部队。这名男子在大楼内引爆自己造成了四名美国人死亡。 Members of an indigenous community northern Bangladesh have said their homes were set on fire last week and several people killed in a long dispute. They described their deal to visiting politicians. 孟加拉国北部一个本地社区成员表示,上周他们的住房被纵火,几人在土地争端中被杀害。他们向来访的政客描述了他们自己的情况。 The Bulgarian prime minister Boico Boliso has said he will resign after his partys candidate lost the presidential elections. Exit polls indicate that the opposition socialist ca


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