模块二 Uit1 Reading.ppt

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Unit 1Tales of the unexplained There are three pictures in the news story. What will appear in your mind when you see these pictures? Does Justin have any brothers and sistersWhat color were the aliens? Justin Foster went missing. Mrs. Foster thought he was spending the night with a friend. Justin Foster ___________________ _______________________. Justin Foster returned home. Justin’s friends said_________________ ___________. Witnesses said ________________ _________________________________. Kelly heard_________________________ _______________________. Justin Foster was taken away by aliens. Kelly saw__________________________. Kelly heard ____________. Mavis Wood said __________________ ______. This news was immediately (5)_________ with laughter by other scientists at Mars University. They remember an (6)_________ a few years ago, where it was believed that a (7)_________ from the Earth was taking photos of the surface of Mars. As we now know, the machine that was found looked more like something made by a local schoolboy than anything that could ever travel in space. Professor Zyke, however, continued to defend his research. ‘If astronomers would just look into what I have found, they will see that I’m not (8)_______ things. There really is life on Earth.’ 2. due to due to 表示“由于、因为”,可作表语和状 语。它的同义短语为:because of(作表语, 状语), , as a result of; owing to(作状语)等。 ① 那场事故是因为他的粗心造成的。 ② His illness was due to his smoking and drinking. ③ 由于大雨,运动会推迟举行了。 4. show up (1)出席,到场,露面;(通常含有在耽误一 段时间后才出现的意思) 昨天你怎么没来? (2)揭发,暴露; 我们必须揭发这个人是个说谎的骗子。 (3)使难堪,使感到羞愧。 请别在客人们面前和我争论,这使我很难堪。 5.强调结构 (1) 强调动词:do, does, did 用于实义动词 前,意思是“确实,的确,必须”; (2) 强调句型:It be ( is/was ) + 被强调的部 分+that/who +主句。被强调的部分是除谓语 部分之外的句子其他成分,且强调部分表人 的话常用who。例如: ① It was in this building that I left my necklace. 我是在这幢楼里丢了项链的。 ② 是这个男孩昨天打坏了邻居的窗子。 [活学活用] ① It was about 600 years ago _____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. thatB. until C. before D. when ② Is it _____ who want


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