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目 录 1工程概述 project introduction 3 2酸洗目的The purpose of chemical cleaning 3 3酸洗范围The scope of chemical cleaning 3 4酸洗方法 The methodology of acid cleaning 4 5编制依据Preparation references 4 6酸洗应具备的条件 Prerequisites to chemical cleaning 4 7化学清洗顺序Chemical cleaning sequence 9 8酸洗临时系统 Temporary facilities for chemical cleaning 15 9安全预防措施Safety precaution 16 10化学清洗后的工作Work after chemical cleaning…………………………18 11化学清洗后废水处理Chemical cleaning waste treatment 19 12 锅炉清洗质量指标boiler cleaning quality index ………………… 20 附表1用于化学清洗的主要器具和设备main equipment and tools for chemical washing 21 附表2估计清洗体积volume in the equipment (Estimation) 21 附表3化学成分表Check list of Chemical. 22 附表4化学清洗的除盐水预估量Demineralized water estimation for chemical cleaning 23 附表5酸洗过程质量控制见证表Quality control table for acid process 24 附表6:化学清洗流程表FLOW CHART CHEMICAL CLEANING BOILER EXECUTION 25 附表7:酸洗系统流程图FLOW CHEMICAL CLEANING BOILER 26 附表8:阀门统计表LIST VALVES OPEN AND CLOSE STATU BOILER CHEMICAL CLEANING 27 附表9:LIST OF EQUIPMENT CHEMICAL CLEANING 28 附表10:酸洗组织机构表 Acid cleaning organization table 29 附表11:重要危险因素清单 Significant hazard factor list 30 #锅炉酸洗试验技术措施 The technique statement of 1#boiler chemical washing 1工程概述 project introduction 印度尼西亚Sumsel-5 2×150MW坑口燃煤电厂工程,锅炉采用东方锅炉股份有限公司生产的循环流化床、一次中间再热、全钢结构、露天布置、自然循环汽包锅炉。 Mine mouth CFSPP sumsel-5 2X150MW project Indonesia, Boiler provided by Dongfang boiler co., LTD is of circulating fluidized bed, a reheat, all-steel structure, outdoor layout, and natural circulation drum boiler. 2酸洗目的The purpose of chemical cleaning 酸洗是为了清除附着在锅炉水管线或者蒸汽管线内表面的杂质,例如在设备生产或者安装过程中产生在内表面上的金属碎片,氧化物,油,灰尘和金属氧化物。以此来确保在锅炉运行中水和蒸汽的质量。这样就为产生保护性的涂层Fe3 O4打好了基础。Fe3 O4可以防止锅炉内部受热面进一步生锈。 The purpose is to clear the impurities from inner surface of the boiler water/steam pipe line, such as metal debris, oxide, oil, dust, and metal oxide produced in inner surface during equipment manufacturing and installation, and to ensure the water and steam quality of boiler water during operation and to apply a foundation to gene


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