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1.1 The origins of Blending Theory Conceptual Blending Theory was brought to prominence by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner. It derives from two traditions within cognitive semantics: Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Spaces Theory. In their studies, both observed that in many cases meaning construction appears to derive from structure that is apparently unavailable in linguistic or conceptual structure that functions as the input to the meaning construction process. Blending Theory thus emerged from their attempts to account for this observation. 心理空间理论(Mental Spaces Theory) Fauconnier于1985年最早提出“心智空间”这一术语,并将其描写为“小概念包(Small Conceptual Packet)”, 是指人们进行交谈和思考时为了达到当下的理解与行动的目的而构建的,是通过框架和认知模型所形成的结构。(Fauconnier Turner 1996:113) 心智空间是人们阅读、思考、写作时建构的概念包,是人的体验、知识、社会存在体中的产物。概念包是局部的理解和行为。每个心智空间拥有它的范畴成员,范畴成员在同一心智空间内是互相关联的,这些成员和关系组成了概念包。不同空间里的成员和关系之间也可以建立映射。 Fauconnier and Turner’s definition of conceptual blending Conceptual blending is a basic mental operation that leads to new meaning, global insight, and conceptual compressions useful for memory and manipulation of otherwise diffuse ranges of meaning. Len believes that the girl with blue eyes has green eyes. 1.2 The elements of conceptual blending 输入空间(Input Space):由独立认知域的信息所构成的空间。 类属空间(Generic Space):抽象反映出输入空间共同的、常见的组织和结构。 合成空间(Blended Space):对输入空间里的概念进行整合操作。合成空间从两个输入空间中提取部分结构,形成新创结构(Emergent Structure)。 The surgeon is a butcher. Analysis from Conceptual Metaphor Theory 1.3 Three component processes concerning emergent structure 1、组合(composition) 将输入空间的内容投射到合成空间后进行组合。并形成在输入空间内不存在的新关系。 2、完善(completion)是指当来自输入空间的投射结构与长时记忆中的信息结构相匹配时,在合成空间中被激活的模式就会借助背景图式知识、认知和文化模式而不断完善。 3、扩展(elaboration)是指合成空间中的结构可以根据它自身的层创逻辑在合成空间中进行认知运作,运用人们的想象力可以根据层创结构对细节进行无限的扩展。 1.4 Constitutive Processes of Blending Theory 2.1 Compression 2.2.1 Change and Compress 2.2.2 Cause and Effect Relation 2.2.3 Time and Space Relation 2.2.4 Identity Relation 2.2.5 Part-whole Relation 2.2.6特征、范畴、意图关系 1. A tax


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