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电信计费系统数据分析处理系统 专 业: 指导教师: 2014年 3月 电信计费系统数据处理分析系统 摘 要 信息技术和网络技术高速发展,行业竞争日益加剧,各大企业在传统的运营方式中纷纷加入高科技成分追求高效和智能化,在软件方面的追求和投入尤为突出,各行业不惜加大在信息科技方面的投入,以进一步提升自身在市场的竞争力和服务质量,而且收到了很好的效果,创造了良好的企业效益。 本篇论文的电信计费系统是为电信运营商新增的一项 Open Lab(开放实验室)出租业务而设计,电信运营商提供多个基于 Unix 平台的实验室环境,选择使用这种业务的用户能够远程登录到实验室中做基于这个实验室环境的一些工作和实验。运营商希望借助先进的计算机技术对访问实验室的用户进行管理和计费,由此实现对此项业务运营的支持与管理。 该电信计费系统使用ssh(spring + struts2 + hibernate)、javascript脚本控制和ajax异步交互等技术来开发,严格按照软件开发流程:需求分析、页面设计、概要设计、详细设计、测试运行等,最终使得该项目达到一个商业项目的标准。 关键词:电信计费,运营支撑系统 Telecom Billing System data processing and analysis system Abstract Information technology and the rapid development of network technology, increasing competition in the industry, the major companies operating in the traditional way have joined the pursuit of efficient and intelligent high-tech components, pursuit and investment in software is particularly prominent in the industry at increasing information investment in science and technology to further enhance their competitiveness and quality of service in the market, and has received very good results, and create a good business benefits. This thesis is a telecommunications billing system for telecom operators added an Open Lab (Lab) rental business and design, telecommunications operators to provide multiple Unix-based platforms laboratory environment, choose to use this service users can remotely log in to the lab to do some work and experiments on the lab environment. Operators want to use advanced computer technology to manage user access to laboratory and billing, thereby enabling support for this business operations and management. The telecommunications billing system using ssh (spring + struts2 + hibernate), javascript and ajax script control technologies such as asynchronous interaction to develop, in strict accordance with the software development process: requirements analysis, page design, outline design, detailed design, test runs, an



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