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中国农业大学学士学位论文 摘要 PAGE PAGE 4 中国农业大学学士学位论文 Abstract PAGE II 摘要 我国低值水产原料毛虾资源丰富,产量居世界之首,其经过盐渍、发酵制得的虾油为传统的水产调味料。但其目前存在着发酵时间较长的缺点,如何将这些低值水产原料开发为高附加值、营养更加丰富的新型调味料显得尤为重要。 本实验分为两部分:虾酱虾油的酶解探索和实验虾油与市场同类水产调味料的品质比较。其中,品质比较包括关键理化指标比较和感官评价嗜好性比较。结果表明虾油、虾酱已基本自溶完全,添加Protamex(复合蛋白酶)、Flavourzyme(风味蛋白酶)、Alcalase(碱性蛋白酶)进行酶促水解,酶解作用不显著;实验虾油在关键性指标氨基酸态氮、氯化物含量方面符合市场同类产品要求;从感官评价实验结果可以看出:消费者对实验虾油和市场同类水产调味品在总体喜好程度方面是相同的,但在色泽、气味、组织状态、咸淡方面显著低于同类水产调味料。 关键词:虾油虾酱 酶促水解 氨基酸态氮 感官评价 中国农业大学学士学位论文 Abstract 中国农业大学学士学位论文 Abstract Abstract Shrimp oil is a kind of traditional condiment produced using the low-value aquatic raw material called Acetes Chinesis. However, the disadvantage of this product is that it needs a long time for fermentation. It is important to investigate how to make the shrimp oil and shrimp paste more nutritious and higher value. Two parts are included in this research: the enzymatic hydrolysis exploration of shrimp oil and shrimp paste; the quality comparison between shrimp oil and similar aquatic condiment in the market. The results showed that there is no need to add exogenous enzymes such as Protamex, Flavourzyme and Alcalase in the raw material after autolysis; shrimp oil met the requirements of products in the market; In the sensory evaluation, the results indicated that consumers have the same sensory acceptability with the shrimp oil and aquatic condiment; however, some quality properties still need to be improved, such as the color, smell, state and salinity. Keywords: shrimp oil and shrimp paste; enzymatic hydrolysis; amino acid nitrogen; sensory evaluation. 中国农业大学学士学位论文 目录 目录 TOC \o 1-2 \u 第一章 前言 PAGEREF _Toc232009092 \h 1 1.1 课题的研究背景 PAGEREF



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