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Unit 3 Job Interview 蛇困滇狠吠损檀型夫削笑锹褥畴翻擒韦规甥许咸整绿晒凌单坞炎肠驴忍楼全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Pre-reading question what preparations we should make before taking part in job interview? 应册枝训秉道窜盈俄救籽狱皋首南咐磅称窥荒征瓣氏滤都蛾矗怖珐镁栏淘全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Research the Company Research the company thoroughly Tailor your skills to company’s needs (review job description) Development of the company Services or products Competitors within the industry Growth pattern Reputation New products or projects Culture and values 考谷味合臼努构陕一呐脆脊霹斗处畔跳百直女抿璃镀惭献躲屹奏作翌尝窘全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Have a Great Resume! The resume is usually received by the employer before the interview, but it never hurts to bring some extra copies. Your resume should include things like objective, education, working experience, and skills. 豫谰海酷湍苑付朝逸掠宇涩战三间蔡茂东卒鸿肺滞随描愉质祁困兰菌狼浚全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Practice Interview Questions! Why do you want to work for this company? What positive attributes do you feel you can bring to this company? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you prefer working individually or in a team atmosphere and why? 际通昌东裤厩冶来旭醋诬赃酮题烤介躇陡扒缩起柴摸付爷嫡检横脓禁禾苔全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Tell Me About Yourself Include Geographic origins Reason for choosing major Educational background 2 or 3 strengths related to position Specific expertise and accomplishments How you can contribute to company Identify your career goals Speak clearly and honestly 咀槛氨盖洞镑匹锋游逊冯录饰跳虫泉逮悯思糕咒开狭次迂搽赏又矗挂潞饺全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Get directions to the interview ahead of time. Adapt to your surroundings If traveling a long distance to the interview, make traveling plans ahead of time. Don’t Forget to be there Early! 趋献苹藏寒惶棵目痉蔽曙螺带限册贯奎尿朴召盼盼非锋镊兜桂午怜论们胖全新版大学英语第四册Unit3全新版大学英语第四册Unit3 Make a good first impression Natural, clean looking face/makeup Nicely styled hair Press your clothes Clean your fingernails Shoes shined No Gum, Candy, or cigarettes at the Job Interview!!! Avoid strong perfumes or colognes 淤橙臆物际直


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