新编英语教4 unit8.ppt

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Antarctic Arctic In these conditions it was possible to stand for no more than a few seconds, and then only by leaning forward at an angle of 45°! Task: paraphrase Under such conditions, a person could only stand for a few seconds, and that was by leaning forward to form an angle of 45° with the ground. Stand : tolerate e.g. I dont know if I can stand the waiting any longer. can stand somebody doing something e.g. How can you stand Marty coming home late all the time? 俗弥技怕缆叼硝侣拒严莽褂狭绸沁玛固鸡拎摸册辫失烯拷琅娇累晋消羔乡新编英语教程4 unit8新编英语教程4 unit8 It is worth remembering that wind is as injurious to human health as cold; e.g. Speak not injurious words. Smoking is injurious to health, especially to the lungs . injurious : causing or likely to cause injury; harmful Task: translate 我们能姑息任何人的有害社会秩序的行为,管他是谁,管他来自何处。 No matter who he is or where he is from, we cannot tolerate anyone’s behavior that is injurious to social order. 棒粮膨窖嗓窘好呸珊搽冰梆侨沃乘颊低橙碳柠樱港泉阐贫撒簿艇邑湿抽啦新编英语教程4 unit8新编英语教程4 unit8 Small wonder that whereas in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries man swiftly explored and occupied the rest of the planet, the southernmost continent remained inviolate. It is not surprising that although man did not hesitate to explore and take possession of most of the earth in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the continent in the far south was left untouched. task: paraphrase Task: translate 怪得他们一场一场地输球,他们已经好久没有训练了。 Small wonder they lost the games time and again; they had been out of training for quite some time. 屉蛾画樟惟浴唐肝卷膀亚念汀片汕耀趣灶占噬还尔厘就颈位卧浇豢被庆塘新编英语教程4 unit8新编英语教程4 unit8 Yet climate by itself was not the main drawback to the unveiling of Antarctica; unveil a statue 为塑像揭幕 e.g. The plan was unveiled with the approval from the Minister. She unveiled her plans for reform. Unveil: to disclose; reveal Drawback: a disadvantage of a situation, plan, product etc e.g. Its a great city - the only drawback is the weather. drawbac


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