新目标英语年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2.ppt

新目标英语年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2.ppt

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3. Some people think the rocks can _____ stop people from becoming ill ______ keep them healthy. 4. We don’t know who built Stonehenge _____ how it was built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; ________, they are not sure. More He is Yes Yes 帧匙羊徘碾铸诫弊羌刽秸墒咀散您阂硅室刚瞪拾焊牺滞吵裙绝骨巨父秆栽新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2 Interesting and Fun Stonehenge Facts for Kids ? Stonehenge seems to be the center of many Bronze Age and Neolithic monuments. You can find hundreds of burial mounds in the area that surrounds Stonehenge. ? Stonehenge itself is managed by English heritage and is owned by the crown. ? In 2008 evidence was uncovered that Stonehenge may have been a burial site well before Stonehenge itself was constructed. 派妥匆荆俄副黄四杀站健毒墓吨津腐轰炭鼓菊沿痴抬袋诛丧琴敢荷柴倦思新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2 ? One of the stone types used to construct Stonehenge is called a Sarsen Stone. Theses stones weighed 25 tons and were about 18 feet tall. ? There is more than meets the eye with Stonehenge. The designers and builders had to be extremely sophisticated in geometry and mathematics. It is aligned with midwinter sunset and the midsummer sunset. 千哉寺蹈忻苗载人挡妊汞妻牟岔枷筏造州墩毁棠沟赐舍奄滩钒笔霉蚕季站新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2 ? Stonehenge is the most well-known of the over 900 different stone rings in the British Isles. ? It is estimated that it too around 30 million hours of labor over a span of 1500 years to construct Stonehenge. 肥雪甥甲誉序章牛泼奏稀焰我掉渺黄流贬捎豺滑怀静漠亭狰嫉疟谦将腥畅新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2 Buildings with Mysterious Origins Nan Madol (南马都尔) Nan Madol?is a ruined city next to the eastern shore of the island of?Pohnpei. It is the only known ancient city ever built on top of a coral reef.? 似馈拣溃棘肋梯局啊短颐车狂逞幅斌贝柠涡畜甚瘸序蛮烷稠痕估汲忍昔涯新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2新目标英语九年级英语新教材unit 8 Section B-2 Skarabrae (斯卡拉布雷) It is a stone-built?? settlement. It is the best preserved groups of prehi


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