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2012年广东省高二学生双语报27期一、语言知识及运用第一节 完形填空 Our family has had many different pets over the years. CC(my 7-year-old grandchild) has always been very 1 to all of them as she loves animals very much. When we 2 there was a shelter in the area that was run by just volunteers, she couldnt wait to get 3 . This was an excellent opportunity for her to learn about and care for many different animals. The animals in the shelter would live at the center until they were 4 . If it took months or a year for them to find a home, it didnt matter. CC learned that it took a lot of work and 5 to take care of the animals. It was a lot more work than she had 6 . The mop(拖把)used to clean the rooms stood 3 feet taller than her. She didnt mind, because she learned how important it was to keep cages 7 for them. Her favorites were the cats. The dogs 8 her but she didnt shy away from doing what she could to help them. We were 9 to see such a caring side of her. We wanted to show CC that her volunteer work at the center was 10 nice to do. When she was too tall for her bicycle, we decided to 11 her a new one. We asked her if she wanted to get a new bike before we went to the shelter. The shop was on the way and we could quickly do that. But her 12 was that we could always get a 13 but the animals needcd to be tended to 14 . At a time when many children are considered uncaring about the world they live in, this made us smile. Children learn from what adults take the time to 15 them. In turn, they often teach us the things in life that really matter the most.l. A. polite B. kind C. similar D. strange2. A. decided B. noticed C. concluded D. thought3. A. involved B. persuaded C. mentioned D. awarded4. A. appreciated B. collected C. learned D. adopted5. A. determination B. confusion C. situation D. impression6. A. raised


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