Interultural Teambuilding.ppt

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Analyze Japanese and American corporate cultures * Weeks 5 Intercultural Team Building Think 1. The differences between team and group 2. Your understanding of effective teamwork 凹狱副遣撑锗厌肥锡寐央译元歌棠匆烃砧延尹痉烘况舔闯或咽纱联勃诸娩Intercultural TeambuildingIntercultural Teambuilding Intercultural Perspective Four stages of team development Forming → Storming → Norming → Performing Contrasting social environments for teamwork Collective culture Individualistic culture Team Group each member’s opinion consult with some members open discussion ignore some different opinions different opinion is positive different opinion is negative different opinion is taken criticism and difference are into account not welcome air one’s view freely avoid one’s own view 黄诛稳榷笛柏墨馈苛尚撤撕戒煎苗耙握曼镇粹千途力死衰誊符嗓蹄盲大湍Intercultural TeambuildingIntercultural Teambuilding Team Group care about team’s work not care about team’s work each member understand each only care about one’s own other’s responsibility responsibility leadership will be formed if necessary leader is appointed high efficient team low efficient team common goal , work cooperatively common goal, work together individual initiative consensus and accept groups’ decision clear individual responsibility ambiguous responsibility listen to different opinion not state different opinion frank exchange information complaints mutual respect lack cooperation


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