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Self-introduction Text A Why do the students write those letters? Because they want to find some pen pals. According to the passage, what may affect your decision when you choose a pen pal? Age, gender, or interests. Pen pal (pen friend) A person who you make friends with by exchanging letters, even though you may never meet. 笔友 e.g. I have communicated with my pen pal for many years. 许多笔友也许素未谋面. Many pen pals may never meet each other. Club n. a society of people who join together for a certain purpose, for example, sport or amusement 俱乐部 e.g. we belong to the golf club. 我已经参加了学校的足球俱乐部。 I’ve joined the school football club. various a. different from each other; of (many) different kinds 不同的,多方面的,各种各样的 e.g. There are various ways to answer this question. 出于多种原因,他决定离开学校。 He decided to leave school for various reasons. introduce vt. 1. to make one person known for the first time to another 介绍 常用搭配:introduce sb to sb else 把某人介绍给 bring in or use sth for the first time 传入 ,引进 e.g. may I introduce my friend Johnson to you? He introduced himself as a bank clerk. 马铃薯由南美洲引进欧洲. Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America. introduction n. the act of introducing or the state of being introduced 介绍 构词特点: introduce (v.介绍)+-tion (名词后缀) 短语:make an introduction 作介绍 e.g. Please make a self-introduction 他正在阅读新产品介绍。 He is reading the introduction of the new product (产品). Ask for Say to someone that you would like them to give you sth 寻求 请求 用法特点:ask for sth或ask sb for sth e.g. I sat down at a table and asked for a cup of tea. 她从未向我要过钱. She’s never asked me for money. director n. 1. a person who controls or manages an organization or company 负责人,主管,理事 2. someone who directs a play or film, deciding how it is performed and filmed 导演 构词特点: direct (v.指示)+-or (名词后缀:参加某种活动的人) e.g. She was appointed to the position of sales director. 影片导演也参加了聚会. The director of the film also appeared at the party. Put up to pu


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