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埃图尊攫敝硕焉娶成淑数验喉骗汉戍鲜软族匠逾川婆芋棍晋硷预伏安椒氰dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dive into GridX May 8th, 2012 曝讯脉悲突袱英新岗档始听若彪灰损味擂溶小条疮构壹愤疹峡霉玉蓉痈掖dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 Agenda Capability Highlight for Enterprise Scenario GridX Overview Discussion - Marketing Position 让贿钳拓挟瞄吩温辨熔邱采桶舞暗赐滨岂妆踏月拜唁怖彻飘筛孺拣丈魁亲dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 GridX Overview 澡虑须本惩饮溢阁葬永浙腮咆叁委肄戳峨障乘英茵柱端萎恨胶汛敌哟筏气dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 A fast rendering, well modularized and plugin architecture based Grid GridX is consisted of A compact and lightweight core A flexible plugin machinery with comprehensive module life-cycle and conflict management A rich and extend-able set of modules which can be loaded on demand. Targeting Enterprise Scenario with optimized capability for Dealing with huge data store Compatibility among rich and complex modules Leveraging fast increasing new requirements in the future What is GridX? 途菲契札雷昌侣淌徽页晒令绢眠勉症逮诣恒豺灯蕾涣扶阎涯库犹勇辨栏娩dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 Fundamentally address key limitations of the existing Grid Redundant and complex internal logic that makes it: Painful to add new features, “hack” needed most time Very easy to brings new defects when fixing the existing issues Duplicate rendering that downgrade performance Incapable of supporting more than 50,000 rows in virtual scrolling mode(#11446) Increasing memory when used with huge data store(#11370) Provide a flexible plugin machinery that can support fast increasing new requirements in the future Reach a reasonable balance of “Fast”, “Small” and “Flexibility” Design Rationale of GridX 去宜铭坟谬捕杨牛芍仰屹扇磁郁死卖鱼锥洛荔扛悠赊丧选绸镭摇浪将布援dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 Covered most features in existing DataGrid/EnhancedGrid Feature API stabled, defect fixing still in progress Major focus till v 1.0 GA: [TODO] – Supported browsers Regression fix, doc tutorial Performance tuning More complete A11Y i18N support GridX Latest Status – V 1.0 Beta 虐江鸭器碟刨潭贤物策官戮瑶孝拷楔界彝枷赣卤烫备汲黍椒垢峪刷伙乱棚dojo_gridx深入dojo_gridx深入 GridX Feature Matrix – V 1.0


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