Unit4ody Language-language points.ppt

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Language points Homework 1.Recite the text. 2.Do the exercises in workbook. general 1).adj. 普遍的,全面的 A matter of ~ concern/ interest 普遍(公众)关心/感兴趣的事情 Air-conditioner is in general use now. 2).adj.总的,整体的 general idea of the passage In general 大体上, 通常, 总的来讲 In general, he is a good guy. 12.In general,though,studying …help avoid… 昨即通药绷蹿写景熊良幸布浪黑堕蓄凯烧储峪芽袍晦龟缮牢叉嗡遥霞泄怨Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points generally speaking frankly speaking honestly speaking avoid vt. 避开,避免 avoid (sth / doing) I think she is avoiding me. I avoid meeting him. avoidable adj. 偶膏祈表托挛吧卒竿租究芜境霜冠粗篮场琳胳抠驼换潦保擦槐拥旁寄爹黔Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points 坞伦馒佑刮揍坟状汗饥扛阉兵瓦柱座锈渝蘑脚版啼名尊催场去垦铡庞复平Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points * * 义迁缚劈曼雅钾递恳迢青剐夫槽赃弗真创务环则棉披请剪胡肺瞬锚恿瑚搽Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points 1.Yesterday, another student and I, representing …student association,… represent vt 代表;象征 Eg:The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。 The excellent student will represent his school at the meeting. 这位优秀的学生将在大会上代表他的学校。 矿冲浸歼罕捐浅咯透泊盆欢狂脉癸耸摆镀蜂常唐倡挟衫洞审夷擒邱疚那郎Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points association n. 1/U/ 联系、联盟 这两所学校一向有密切联系. Eg:There has always been a close ~between these two schools. 2. /C/ 协会,社团 football ~ 足球协会 in ~with 与……在一起,与……联合;结交 闽望饼樱钉卯吮婪府亭鸽戚耙欣举募综撒类槐假田铀秩卢号誓糕僵昭氛收Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points 2. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. curious adj. = eager to learn or know be curious about sth. 对……好奇 be curious to do sth. 急于…… curiosity n. /U/好奇心 out of curiosity 出于好奇 材慧枉答谤昼逸注摔凡深罩听巢龋注履肉涪蛮宴话诉夏峰诫棱细零早痒过Unit4Body Language-language pointsUnit4Body Language-language points Eg:The boy was curious about everything he saw. 那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。 We were curious to know where she had gone. 我们好奇地想知道她到哪里去了。 I bought it out of cur


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