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八年级秋季同步教案(Unit 8) Life is wonderful, if you smile at it, it will smile at you 幼儿园想上小学。因为听说小学用午睡。小学想上初中。因为听说用把手背在后面坐了。初中想上高中。因为听说高中的老师会管东管西。高中想上大学。因为听说大学里面有很多空余时间。大学想工作。因为听说工作用再去上课。工作了发现还是幼儿园比较好混。。。 今天数学老师写满一黑板解了一道题后,双手支在桌子上语重心长的对我们说:我真知道你们学这有啥用... 重点短语:______________: 奶昔; _________________: 打开; 重点短语: ______________: 奶昔; _________________: 打开; cut up:______________; ___________________:一片; at a very high temperature:_______________________; make fruit salard:_____________________; pour into :___________________; add to:______________; fill with:_______________; 1. 你知道怎样制作奶昔吗? Do you know how to __________ _________ _________? 2. 我可以教你制作水果沙拉。 I can teach you to ____________ ___________ ___________. 3. 妈妈给我们每个人一块面包。 Mum gave each of us __________ ____________ __________ ____________. 4. 打开搅拌机。 __________ ___________ the blender. 5. 把牛奶倒进搅拌机里。 ___________ the milk ____________ the blender. 6. 我们需要多少香蕉? _________ __________ bananas do we need? 7. 接下来,把火鸡装满这种面包混合物。 Next, ____________ the turkey ___________ this bread mix. 8. 我们需要多少酸奶? ________ ________ yogurt do we need? 9. 你能把这些西红柿切成片吗? Can you these tomatoes slices? 10. 首先,我得仔细阅读食谱,然后再制作三明治。 ____________________, I have to read the recipe carefully, and I can sandwiches. -------------------------------------------------我是华丽丽的分割线---------------------------------------------------------- 语法大观园: 活泼好动的四兄弟:turn on/off, turn up/down 后接代词时,应放在词组中间;后接名词时,放中间和后面均可。 例如:The radio is too loud. Can you turn it down a little? 收音机的音量太大。你能关小一点吗? 1. Don’t the radio. The baby is sleeping. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over D. turn down 2. Jane, please turn off the lights you leave the classroom. A. after B. before C. until D. but 3. Would you please the TV? I can hardly hear the conversation between the two speakers. A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down 4. I can’t hear the music clearly. Please a little. A. turn o


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