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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 洪林宾馆建筑给水排水工程(任务一) 学 生:杨勇 学 号指导教师:刘智萍 专 业:给排水科学与工程 重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院 二O一五年六月 Graduation Design (Thesis) of Chongqing University Design of water supply and drainage Engineering of HONG LIN guestjouse (precondition No.1) Undergraduate: Yang Yong Supervisor: Prof. Liu Zhi ping Major: Science and Engineering of Water Wasterwater Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering Chongqing University June 2015 摘 要 根据上级有关部门批准的设计任务书,在重庆市拟建一幢16层的洪林宾馆,总占地面积4300m2 ,建筑面积为25118m2 ,建筑高度67.6m。地下1层,地上16层。要求完成该建筑的给水排水工程设计。即室内外给水及消防给水工程设计,室内外排水工程,室内热水及开水供应。设计应符合国家现行规范的规定,主要完成了以下设计内容: (1) 冷水系统:主要为室内、外冷水系统。本建筑给水分区情况如下:-1F~3F为低区,由市政管网直接供水;4F~12F为中区,13~16F为高区,由水池、水泵和高位水箱采用上行下给式直接供水。整个系统的组成包括:引入管、水表节点、给水管网,地下生活贮水池、生活水泵、屋顶高位生活水箱等。 (2)热水系统:在客房区区4~16F供给热水。包括配水系统和回水系统, (3) 消防给水系统:包括室内外消火栓给水系统和自动喷水灭火系统。室内消火栓给水系统的组成包括:水枪、水带、消火栓、消防卷盘、消防管道、消防贮水池、消防水泵和高位消防水箱。本建筑采用普通湿式自动喷水灭火系统,该系统的组成包括:喷头、湿式报警阀、信号阀、管道系统和供水设备等。 (4) 气体灭火系统:在配电间设置。 (5) 排水系统:包括室内外生活污、废水排水系统及雨水排水系统。因为医院排放的污废水中含有病菌要经过集中处理后才能排放到市政排水管网,所以采用污废水合流的排水体制。该系统由卫生器具、检查口、清扫口、室内外排水管道、集水坑、排水泵、检查井、污水处理池等组成。雨水排水系统采用外排水系统。 关键词:门诊综合楼,给水系统,热水系统,消防给水系统,排水系统 ABSTRACT The Ankang City Hospital l which is to be built in Ankang is a Thirteen-floor all-round service building. The total land area is 3000 m2 and building area is 23300 m2. The total altitude of the building is 51.70m.The building, Thirteen-floor of which is above the ground and one floor under the ground. The Chinese Medicine Hospital Outpatient Building, is outpatient, inpatient, garage and other integrated building.. The water supply and drainage engineering of the building is the subject of our graduation design. And the detailed design are about both the sump and the drainage pump. The survey of the project are as follows: (1) Cold water system, mostly including the interior and exterior supply of cool water. The vertical subarea is as follows : the demarcator is the pipelin


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