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父亲节快到了想给父亲写一封信 为爸爸写一封信 在这里我想说:我非常荣幸,有这么一位疼爱我的爸爸。 小时候,不管我要什么,都会满足我。而我却不曾说谢谢,直到长大以后,才懂得其实您也挺不容易。每天日晒雨淋,为了我们一家人过得幸福。记忆里,您从没对我们诉过苦,总是装作很轻松的样子。每次看到您出门的背影,心里有点酸酸的,(您又出去奋斗了)爸,您很伟大!!您就像一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。晴天有你遮阳,雨天有你避雨,风风雨雨中总有你。随着时间的流逝,您慢慢的变老,我想对时光说:你慢些吧!不想再让你变老,我愿意用我的一切来换取岁月长留,一生要强的爸爸,我能为你做些什么?微不足道的关心收下吧在我受到挫折的时候,总鼓励我,勇敢点!一天,您笑着对我说:“父亲节快到了,你送什么给我”。我没回答,而今天我也没陪你过,想说:对不起,爸。想起小时侯,您总是喜欢唱歌给我们听,喜欢我们骑在您的背上,像小孩子样跟我们一起玩耍。到现在还能清楚记得我们那时幸福的笑脸,爸,谢谢您为我们做的一切,双手撑起我们的家,总是竭尽所有,把最好的给我们。 我知道我是你的骄傲,现在长大,不要我们而担心。我听您的好好读书,我知道这段日子,您和妈很幸苦! 非常感谢一路上有您们的陪伴!!父亲节,快乐! 广东湛江霞山区符小丹高二:符小丹 篇二:作文 父亲节快到了 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 父亲节快到了。请你用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的简短文章。 【写作要求】 只能用 5 个句子表达全部内容。 My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I?m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very strict with himself in his work. Whenever his students come across any kind of difficulty, he is always ready to help them. As his daughter, I?m proud of my father and hope to become a teacher like him in the future. My father has been a music teacher in a primary school for nearly 20 years. He finished college at the age of 22 and chose to work as a teacher. He is well respected and deeply loved by his students because he is very kind to his students, works very hard and is very stri


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