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大都市生态空间演变机制与政策响应 Metropolitan ecological space: evolution dynamics and policy echo 陈爽,刘云霞,彭立华 Chen Shuang Liu Yunxia Peng Lihua 研究背景 Background 1990年代以来城市空间迅速扩展,城郊生态环境脆弱 Rapid urban expansion since the 1990s 近二十多年经济高速增长,人民生活水平提高,生态环境意识增强 Public concern on environmental protection 生态公益林,湿地公园,森林公园等生态保护用地大量出现 Establishment of ecological public forest, wetland park, forestry park, etc. 研究目的 Objectives 辨别与界定大都市生态空间,研究其近二十年来的演变规律与动力机制 Recognize and define the ecological space of metropolitan area, study its evolution procedure and dynamics. 提出生态空间保护的措施及建议 Present suggestion of ecological space protection policy 生态空间界定Definition of eco-space 具有重要生态服务功能 Hold important ecological service function 不以经济产出为核心目标,目的在于维护区域生态环境健康 The core objective is regional ecological health rather than economic production 以自然保护、休闲度假、生态防护等为主要功能 The major function is natural conservation, vacation and recreation 生态空间界定Definition of eco-space 生态空间构成 Composition of eco-space Variation of eco-space of Nanjing metropolis from 1986-2002 生态空间总面积前期增加,后期减少,总体上保持平衡. The total area of eco-space increased in the first period and decreased in the second period, in general keeping stable in the 17 years. 绿色空间有所增加,而蓝色空间有所下降 The green space increased and the blue space decreased in the 17 years. 沼泽湿地下降严重 The wetland decreased rapidly. 南京市域三个圈层的单位面积生态服务价值变化 Variation of eco service value per hectare of land 主城生态用地的平均服务价值最低,并波动下降5% 都市外围区最高,都市发展区与其接近,二者生态用地平均服务价值变化较小,微略下降 平均斑块面积 Patch area variation 平均斑块分维数变化 Ratio of patch perimeter to area Variation of landscape pattern from 1986-2002 南京市域生态空间总体呈现破碎化的演变特征 Fragmentation of the eco space 绿色空间总体平均斑块面积减小,斑块分维数上升,表明由成片分布趋于破碎化小块分布,形状由团聚状向不规则的多边形演化,此特征在主城表现尤为明显 The green space became fragmented, and the individual one evolved from patch to irregular polygon 蓝色空间总体平均斑块面积急剧减小,斑块分维数同时下降,表明连续的线状河渠水面减少,被分散的小块水面取而代之,形状趋于规则化,此特征在都市发展区表现最为突出 The linear water area decreased and the patch-shaped water area increased 生态空间演变规律与驱动机制 Pattern and dyn


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