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学号 20095061706 本科毕业论文(设计) 系(院)   外 国 语 学 院  英     语 2 0 0 9 级 李 珍 珍  A Comparative Study on the Pastoral Poetry Between Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming 指导教师  余 永 锋 职称 讲 师  2013 年 3 月 21 日 Contents Abstract 2 Key words 3 摘 要 3 关键词 3 1. Introduction 3 1.1 A Brief Introduction to William Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming 3 1.2 Pastoral Poetry of Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming 4 2. Wordsworth’s and Tao Yuanming’s Pastoral Poetry: Similarities 6 2.1 Way to Rural life 6 2.2 Themes in Pastoral Poetry 8 2.3 Poetic Language 9 3. Wordsworth’s and Tao Yuanming’s Pastoral Poetry: Differences 11 3.1 Poetic Realm 11 3.2 Unique Viewpoint on Nature 14 3.3 Spiritual Pursuit 15 Bibliography 18 A Comparative Study on the Pastoral Poetry Between Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming Name: Li Zhenzhen No.: 20095061706 English Major School of Foreign Languages Supervisor: Yu Yongfeng Title: Instructor Abstract: William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Tao Yuanming (365-427) are the most prominent pastoral poets in English and Chinese literary histories and have made great contribution to the development of pastoral poetry. The paper explores the similarities and differences in Wordsworth’s and Tao Yuanming’s pastoral poetry in several aspects. This comparative study intends not only to track the ideological development of the two poets and to achieve a better understanding of their poems, but more importantly, to probe into what lies behind the similarities and differences. Hopefully, the research may contribute to a more profound literary and cultural communication between the East and the West. Key Words: Wordsworth; Tao Yuanming; pastoral poetry; similarities and differences 摘 要:华兹华斯(1770-1850)和陶渊明(365-472)是中英诗坛上杰出的田园诗人,为田园诗的发展做出了极大的贡献。本文试从这两位田园诗人的”回归田园之路”、“诗歌创作题材”、“诗歌创作语言”三方面探讨二人的相同之处,并试从“田园诗歌意境营造”、“独特的自然观”和“蕴含在田园诗中的精神追求”分析二人的相异之处。通过对华兹华斯和陶渊明的田园诗歌的初步分析比较,不仅要探寻两位诗人的创作思想的异同,从而更好地理解他们的作品,更重要的是通过比较研究来揭示二人的田园诗创作对当今诗歌发展的启示,借以为东西文学


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