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buck-boost电路的ARM单片机控制器的设计 摘 要 本文提出了一种基于ARM的一种新型BUCK-BOOST(AC-AC) 本文对系统的结构和原理进行了具体分析,详细介绍了采用ARM嵌入式处理器作为控制器的设计方法和控制策略,并进行了软件的设计,实现了BUCK-BOOT电路的全数字控制。 关键词: ARM ,控制器,BUCK-BOOST Design of ARM one-chip computer controller of buck-boost circuit Abstract This article proposed one kind based on ARM one kind of new BUCK-BOOST (AC-AC) the circuit controller design. In cuts controls type AC-AC, in the transformation, the control circuit major part uses PWM to have the module to carry on the simulation control, these modules cut the wave frequency to be high, may carry on the simple PID control, but also has the analogous circuit inherent shortcoming: the primary device aging and temperature drifting ,the system is not nimble, the precision is not high, the development speed is slow and so on. in view of this, this article design its controller with ARM Inserted type processor LPC2114, has carried on the concrete analysis to the system structure and the principle, in detail, the article introduced the design method and the control strategy with ARM inserted type processor to be the controller ,and have carried on the software design, has realized the BUCK-BOOT electric circuit entire numerical control. Because CPU direct participation closed-loop control, then can remarkably reduce the system hardware cost, at the same time does not have the temperature drifting problem, once debugs normally can the long-term stability movement; Moreover, we can through change system function through software edition, nimble realize complex control algorithm. Therefore, along with micro processor price reducing and the technical maturity, the numerical control technology will certainly get application and the development in the high performance, intellectualized DC/DC and BUCK-BOOST AC-AC converter. Key words: ARM, controller, BUCK-BOOST 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1绪论 1 1.1选题背景及目的 1 1.2 ARM的发展 1 1.3设计完成的任务 2 1.4设计要求及参数设定 3 2系统硬件设计 4 2.1主电路拓扑结构分析 4 2.2 ARM单片机的选择及外围电路的设计 7 2.3检测电路


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