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2014年上海,中考英语,作文 篇一:2014上海中考英语作文范文和点评 中考作文点评 今年的中考英语作文题是“明年此时”(This Time Next Year ),黄浦区初中英语教研员周加有分析,这道题比较抽象,给予了考生一定的想象空间,可以说是在“意料之外,又在情理之中”。周加有表示,前几年的作文题比较多的是从学生的角度对某些事物谈感受,或者对一些事情进行评论,比较容易套题。但今年的这道题不是很具体,加上时态是将来式,因此对学生来说不太容易套题,要写好必须有自己的想法,所以有一定难度。不过,今年的这道作文题依然延续前几年的特点——以“我”为出发点,谈的还是学生自己,这点方便了学生有话可说、有情可抒。 2014年中考英语作文: 题目:This time next year This time next year I will be enjoying my senior school life 1.which I have expected for a long time. The life then will be 2.as colorful as flowers.I will take an active part in all kinds of activities in high school 3.because the saying goes ”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. In addition, making friends 4.will be on top of the list since a real friendship5.is of great importance to me. As for me, I will be definitely6.turning a new leaf of my future life this time next year, and I?m really looking forward to it. ? 精彩亮点分析: 亮点一:定语从句修饰对高中生活的向往 亮点二:用as...as的比较级结构,抓人眼球 亮点三: 用到了idiom,而且用的极为恰当 亮点四: on top of the list永远放在第一位 亮点五:be of great importance 名词结构更高端 亮点六: turn a new leaf of my future life 翻开未来生活的新篇章 ? 写作小Tip: 今年中考是篇看似记叙却要叙中带议的文章。全文的时态应全部运用一般将来时,对未来生活进行展望。全文应表达积极阳光的信念。 2014年上海中考英语范文1 This Time Next Year It#39;s exciting to imagine what the happy life will be like. At this time next year, I will be a senior high student, and I will make a lot of new friends. I hope to be more independent so that perhaps I will be taking part in a summer camp abroad to improve my spoken English. Also I will help my parents do housework in order to know how to take care of myself when I am alone. Life will be totally different, but I#39;m really looking forward to it. 【解析】 这篇作文需要涉及三个方面:变化、期望和自己的作为,因此文章中需要涵盖着三点。 第二段的第一句是明年此时的变化,第二句是期望及第一个作为,紧接其后的是第二个作为,而最后表达出了作者对变化的想法及态度。 2014年上海中考英语范文2 This Time Next Year Life is changeable, and that#39;s why everyone longs for the future, which is full of challenge as well as hope. Perhaps I will have achieved my goal this time next year, studying in a senior high schoo


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