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* This figure shows the plant flow diagram. BFG is supplied from main line and mixed with COG to maintain the fuel gas calorie allowable calorie range which vary according to furnace operation. And then EP remove dust and GC compress BTG and supply BFG to GT. When shout down period or part load operation, BFG return to the supply line. Air is taken into compressor through inlet air filter. Exhaust gas is exhausted to atmosphere through HRSG. In steam cycle, triple pressure steam system is adapted for high plant thermal efficiency. GT, Gen, ST and GC are coupled on a shingle shaft. GT output is 268MW. ST output is 119.3MW. GC required power is 87.3MW. Therefore, CC power output is 300MW and thermal efficiency is 49.8%. * 三菱重工业株式会社 14. 300MW 等级BFG燃料联合循环电厂达到满出力(8/8) 焦炉煤气用量少, 无须使用轻油 各种运行工况下无煤气放散 可连续在空负荷到满负荷范围内运行 可以灵活地吸收高炉煤气的变化 机组可以甩负荷, 可以带厂用电运行 * 三菱重工业株式会社 15 三菱重工高炉煤气联合循环设备的运行特点 F class BFG firing 300MW GTCC Reference Plant: Kimitsu Cooperative Thermal Power Co., Ltd. B COG HP IP LP Condenser Condensate Pump Cold reheat Stack Gas Cooler By-pass Valve Air Filter Step up Gear Gen Gas Turbine Gas Comp HRSG ST Mixer BFG Main Line EP * This is fuel gas supply system comparison. Left side is N.gas and right side is BFG supply system. BFG is supplied at low pressure, therefore, GC is installed and compress BFG to injection pressure. In case of N.Gas, if we put exhaust gas flow 100%, the N.gas flow is 2%. On the other hand, BFG is low calorie so BFG flow is 35% against exhaust gas 100%. Therefore, BFG supply system must control large fuel flow. From 100% to 65% load, GC variable pitch vane control BFG flow. Under 65% load, BFG return system control BFG flow. The dotted line is BFG return system. BFG control system consist of by-pass valve and gas cooler. This by-pass valve control return flow. Gas cooler cool and decompress the BFG return flow. * This figure shows the plant flow diagram. BFG is supplied from main line and mixed with COG to maintain the fuel gas calorie a


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