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犬股骨髁松质骨挤压后愈合过程的骨形态计量学研究 犬股骨髁松质骨挤压后愈合过程的骨形态计量学研究 作者:左艳萍 汪永跃 周颖 傅云婷 作者单位:1.西安医学院 口腔医学系,陕西 西安 710021;2.四川大学华西口腔医院 种植科,四川 成都 610041;3.成飞医院 口腔科,四川 成都 610091;4.深圳市龙岗中心医院 口腔科,广东 深圳 518116 【摘要】 目的 通过建立松质骨挤压的动物模型,模拟临床种植体挤压植入术,测量骨形态计量学参数,观察松质骨挤压后愈合过程中骨小梁排列的变化,为骨挤压技术的使用和改进提供实验依据和支持。方法 以犬股骨髁松质骨为挤压部位,选择敲击挤压法,使用自行研制的挤压器,按照不同的挤压程度进行逐级挤压、备洞,植入与种植窝直径相同的圆柱状纯钛种植体。按照不同观察时期(1、2、4、12周)处死动物,取材,制作Messon染色硬组织切片,采用Osteomeasure软件测量骨形态计量学参数。结果 松质骨受挤压后,在一定时期内骨小梁数增多,骨小梁间距减小,骨小梁厚度基本不变。前两者改变在2周内的愈合期比较明显,从第4周开始,经过12周的愈合,各参数与对照组之间趋于一致。结论 骨挤压技术在一定时期内能够提高种植窝周骨小梁的致密度,可能有益于提高种植体的初期稳定性。 【关键词】 松质骨 骨挤压 骨组织形态计量学   Bone histomorphometry study in agglutination of femoral condyle of dog after being compressed ZUO Yan-ping1, WANG Yong-yue2, ZHOU Ying3, FU Yun-ting4. (1. Dept. of Stomatology, Xi′an Medical University, Xi′an710021, China; 2. Dept. of Dental Implants, West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu 610041, China; 3. Dept. of Stomatology, Chengfei Hospital, Chengdu 610091, China; 4. Dept. of Stomatology, Longgang District Central Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518116, China)   [Abstract] Objective This study simulated clinical implant surgery using squeeze technique by establishing a ra-tional animal model. To measure the morphologic parameters in order to observe the agglutination of the cancellous bone after being compressed. The study wanted to get some favourable support of implant squeeze technique in bone healing and obtaining primary stabilities of implants, so as to provide some reasonable and valid guidance in the application and improvement of implant squeeze technique. Methods The cancellous bone in condyles of femur of dog had been chosen as the experimental position, prepared the implant holes using squeeze technique according to different compressing extent(0, 0.6, 1.2, 2.0 mm), and then inserted the corresponding implants into them. After dif-ferent healing periods(1, 2, 4, 12 weeks), the mongerl dogs were sacrificed and the hard tissue slices were m


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