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Highly Optimized Tolerance HOT is a mechanism that relates evolving structure to power laws in interconnected systems HOT systems arise, e.g. in biology and engineering where design and evolution create complex systems sharing common features High efficiency Performance Robustness to designed-for uncertainties Hypersensitivity to design flaws and unanticipated perturbations Nongeneric, specialized, structured configurations Power laws Highly Optimized Tolerance Through design and evolution, HOT systems achieve rare structured states which are robust to perturbations they were designed to handle, yet fragile to unexpected perturbations and design flaws E.g. communication and transportation systems Systems are regularly modified to maintain high density, reliable throughput for increasing levels of user demand As the sophistication of the systems is increased, engineers encounter a series of tradeoffs between greater productivity and the possibility of the catastrophic failure Such robustness tradeoffs are central properties of the complex systems which arise in biology and engineering Highly Optimized Tolerance Robustness tradeoffs also distinguish HOT states from the generic ensembles typically studied in statistical physics under the scenarios of the edge of chaos and self-organized criticality Complex systems are driven by design or evolution to high-performance states which are also tolerant to uncertainty in the environment and components This leads to specialized, modular, hierarchical structures, often with enormous “hidden” complexity with new sensitivities to unknown or neglected perturbations and design flaws Highly Optimized Tolerance Robust, yet fragile! HOT – summary It is possible to drive a system over the critical point, where SOC systems collapse. These overcritical states are called ”highly optimized tolerance” – states SOC is an interesting but extreme special case… HOT may be a unifying perspective for many systems HOT states are both robust a


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