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二0一0年度工会工作总结 二0一0年度,公司工会在党支部和港务控股集团工会的正确领导下,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实科学发展观,服从港务控股集团改革大局,紧紧围绕公司生产经营这个中心,认真履行工会职责,扎实为职工办实事,为做好职工队伍稳定、促进企业和谐发展努力工作,取得了一定成绩。现就二0一0年度工会工作开展情况总结如下: (一)坚持民主集中制,落实企务公开制度,促进企业和谐 公司坚持党政联席会(工会委员参加)、企务会、职代会等形式,扎实、稳步地推进公司企务公开工作。针对企业生产经营管理的重大决策,如推行生产经营目标责任制、船舶维修项目招标制、职工福利、党风廉政建设等,深入群众、深入基层、深入实际统一思想、统一认识、统一行动, Trade and Industry Bureau of the end of the year summary of the work of threeThe following is a small series for the general summary of the trade and Industry Bureau of the year-end summary of the work, please refer toEvery year, my right branch Party committee under the leadership of Party committees in the town of XX, the concern and support of government, comprehensive practice practice Scientific Outlook on Development, thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's real XX and XX all the fourth plenary session, "institutionalization, standardization, standardization, procedure, rule of law construction. As the focus, continue to emancipate the mind, strengthen team construction, reform of supervision mode, strengthen supervision means, earnestly fulfill their duties, made new efforts for economic development and social harmony, has made a new contribution. Now XX years work conditions are summarized as follows:First, the main achievements and experienceThe administration of industry and commerce administration departments is the main force to maintain the rank order of the market economy, its primary responsibility is to strengthen market supervision, to safeguard legal system based on fairness, honesty, ordered the market economic order, to create a good market environment. This year, I think I really in accordance with the Council and the town Party committee,, the government's arrangements and requirements, combined with the actual jurisdiction area, pay close attention to four key points, push forward the market supervision work carried out.Expand the functions, broaden the channels, services, local economic development and


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