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一、单项选择。 1. — Did you go fishing with????? ? yesterday? —Yes, I went with my father. A. someone? B. anyone? C. no one? D. everyone 2. Do you enjoy???________???photos? A.to take? B.take?? C.taking? D.takes 3. I have quite????? ? friends. I feel very happy. A. few? B. a few? C. little? D. a little 4. I _____you yesterday afternoon,but you ________at home. A. call,aren’t B. am calling,aren’t C. called,were D. called,weren’t 5.There is????? ??in today’s newspaper. Let’s read a storybook. A. something interesting? B. nothing interesting? C. interesting something? D. interesting nothing 6. Nobody taught me English . I learned it by?????? ??. A. I? B.my?? C. mine?? D.myself 7.The book is????? ?.I feel?????? ?. A. boring , boring? B. bored , boring? C. boring, bored? D. bored , bored 8. I’ll try?________ late again. A. don’t? B. don’t be?? C. not be? D. not to be 9.—I am________. May I have something to eat?? —OK. Here is some bread. A. thirsty? B. hungry? C. tired? D. sleepy 10.Kate???________?her uncle last night. She did her homework. A. doesn’t visit? B.don’t visit? C.didn’t visit? D.visited 11.Don’t forget?________ your homework tomorrow. A.bring? B.to bring?? C.brought? D.bringing 12. He went into his room and ______to work. A. begins B. began C. beginning D. to begin 13. —?________??are they staying? —Two days. ? A. How many?? B. How often?? ?C. How long??? D. When 14.________ he is ill, ________he goes to school.? A. Although; but????B. /; /?????????C. Although; /?????D. But; although? 15. They watch TV________.? A. one a week????B. once a week???C. one the week????D. once week? 16. The old man is well because he often_______.? A. exercises??? ?B. drinks ?? ?C. sleeps????D. play? 17.—________do you read English books?? —Twice a day.? A. How many??B. How much ?C. How long??? D. How often? 18. Nancy is??________??bec




