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爱你一生一世 2014年4月1日 我一生一世,都要陪着你! 尽管你的脸,皮肤已松弛, 皱纹一道道,岁月留痕迹。 我一生一世,都要陪着你! 尽管你的发,开叉易断裂, 雪白至发际,数量也变稀。 我一生一世,都要陪着你! 尽管我的眼,视力已降低, 远物变模糊,近字小如蚁。 我一生一世,都要陪着你! 尽管我的脑,名字会失忆, 东西放哪里,常常记不起。 直到有一天,我已弱无力, 我仍然愿意,怀中拥着你, 一起晒太阳,一起听鸟啼。 直到有一天,我已难呼吸, 我仍然愿意,微笑面对你, 听你唱京戏,看你吃鸭梨。 上帝的旨意,我们成夫妻, 生命显奇迹,两人合一体, 生活不容易,同舟要共济。 上帝传真理,明白爱真谛。 彼此要珍惜,形影不分离。 天地要废去,爱情永不移。 清明周献给我爱人的诗! Style rectification analysis materials 15The first chapter: the style of rectifying and analyzing materialsOne, the main problemTo the court to work near two years, in the Party school, office, leadership and Comrades help, while doing some work more seriously than completed the job assigned by the leadership, and within the scope of the work, but the control of ideology and style rectification activities revealing implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems, such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new tasks, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learning initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submitted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and leisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what to learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little working relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the information. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scientific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work especially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understand and grasp the essence of the socialist concept of rule of law leading quality



