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第一讲:社会网络的神奇力量 观点:Ever dot is a person. Every line between them is the relationship between two people, and here we colored the dots according to how happy people are. So yellow dots are happy people and blue dots are sad people and green dots are in between. If you look at this image you probably can see there are clusters of happy and unhappy people in the network. These clusters turns out to spread to about three degrees of separation. 通过对本课题研究,将社会网络比作石墨和钻石,其实每个原子都一样是碳,最后宏观的性能完全不同是由于其排列组合的结构不同,即网络化networking结构不同。 关键词:social networks社会网络 clusters聚类birds of a feather flock together物以类聚 contagion传播 induction诱导 mechanism机制 social systems 社会系统 physiology 生理机能 density密度 indistinguishable难区分的 句子:In fact overall, I believed we’d involved to form social networks and particular kinds of social networks because of the benefits of connected life are weighed the costs. 第二讲:刺激干细胞-人类发展生物学简介 观点:The first is that they can self-renew. They can exact copy of themselves. So one cell divides to make two and they are identical to their mother cell. But under certain circumstances given the right signals these cells can also specialized to make the brain the bone, the blood, the muscle all the cell of the body.我们通过对转基因食物产生的信号刺激干细胞研究,考虑到其对个人健康及全球健康的影响 关键词:stem cell干细胞 plant植物 animal动物 stimulating stem cells 有目的刺激干细胞 biology生物学 pancreas胰脏 underlying muscular下颚肌肉 high-density muscle无脂肪高密度肌肉 inhibiter抑制器 nerve cells神经元细胞 genetically modified foods转基因食物 genetically modify melon转基因甜瓜 句子:Your body makes over a hundred billion blood cells per day. 第三讲:全世界减肥 观点:The first is that really is not about how overweight you are or how obese you are it’s really your energy balance.为了健康我们首要考虑膳食平衡,继续提供优秀的医疗,教育,在我们无法改变自己的时候,不得不去改变我们生存的环境。 关键词:obesity肥胖 exercise运动 chronic problem慢性征兆 energy imbalance能量不均衡 maintaining维持 reproducing繁殖 Type 2 Diabetes2型糖尿病 sterilization杀菌 industrious food工业制造食物 high blood pressure高血压 句子:Since we cannot change our biology, we need to change our environments. 第四讲:混乱,游戏和确定性延



