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学校代码 学号 2010010241 分类号 密集 本科毕业论文 论歌唱中情感的表达 学院分院 大连艺术学院音乐学院 专业名称 音乐学(音乐教育) 年 级 2010级 学生姓名 高明明 指导教师 刘斌 2014年 3 月 26 日 论歌唱中情感的表达 摘 要 歌唱艺术是最能触动人心灵的艺术。歌唱中的“情感”是否能把握的正确,对学习声乐有着很重要的影响。“感情”是一切艺术之所以感人的根茎,所以说情感是歌唱的灵魂。   情感在歌唱表演中具有极其重要的作用:情感能赋予歌曲生命力和活力;演唱者要想把作品表达到最佳状态,情感是必备的条件;因此,情感是在舞台表演过程中与观众互动的重要方式。   科学的方法是歌曲的情感表现的重要支撑,要深入理解歌词内容,把握好歌曲的曲调,融入歌唱者的个性才能将科学的方法融入情感中。 通过体验生活,培养感情,丰富知识,提高修养,尊重原创,体会情感将歌唱者的真实情感运用到作品中。   总之,情感表达是从事歌唱表演者必备的一种能力,歌唱中所要表达的情感在歌唱艺术中占据重要的地位。 关键词:情感,声乐作品,重要性,美感,科学方法,途径 The theory of emotional expression in singing Author:GaoMingMing Tutor:Liu Bin ABSTRACT "Emotion" is the soul of singing. Singing art is the art that touches your soul. Singing the "emotional" grasp correctly, has an important influence on vocal music learning. "Love" is the root of all art is moving. Emotion has an extremely important role in singing performances: emotional songs can give life and vitality; Emotion is singing the expression to the necessary conditions under which the best condition; Emotion is a singer in the process of performing an important way to communicate with the audience. The scientific method is the significant support of songs of emotional expression, to understand the lyrics content, hold good song tune, into the singer's personality to blend in the scientific method in the emotional. Through the experience life, cultivate sentiment, rich knowledge, improve accomplishment, respect the original, feel the emotion to?apply their true feelings. In a word, the emotion has an important status in the singing art, the expression of emotion is an art, is the necessary ability in singing performance. Key words: emotion,vocal music works,the importance of aes


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