东北师大附中 东北师大附中2010.doc

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东北师大附中 东北师大附中2010 东北师大附中2010-2011学年下学期中考总复习第二轮语法单项复习 名词(一) 名词专项练习 一、根据句意及所给汉语词意思写出所缺单词 1. I usually have a piece of__________(面包) and some milk… 学习《中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法》有感 通过对《中小学教师违反职业道德行为处理办法》的学习与领悟,我收获颇丰,现谈谈体会: 尊重学生人格,平等公平对待学生,对学生严慈相济,做学生的良师益友,不讽刺,不挖苦,不歧视学生,不体罚和变相体罚学生。这… 第五讲 博弈树 本章是最技术的一章,基本没有涉及题外的话,搞来搞去,都是一些黑话一样的术语,这是很可怕的。幸好,我有说书人的本领,大体将博弈树讲明白了。本章的画图,也是最麻烦的,诸位同学要看在我一根一根线画图的面子,对本章采取宽容的态度。 为了使上课… 东北师大附中2010-2011学年下学期中考总复习第二轮语法单项复习 名词(一) 名词专项练习 一、根据句意及所给汉语词意思写出所缺单词 1. I usually have a piece of__________(面包) and some milk for breakfast. 2. Both of my best friends were born in__________ (十月). 3. The camera was one of the greatest __________(发明)in the t 9th century. 4. How many times do you brush your _________(牙齿) every day? 5. There are many fresh ___________(土豆) in the supermarket. 6. Sandy is so careful that she seldom makes__________(错误)in her homework. 7. Thank you very much for________(邀请).But I’m so sorry that I can’t come to your party tomorrow. 8. Chocolate is usually the _________(孩子们)favorite food. 9. Take a short rest after two________(小时)hard work, and you won’t feel too tired 10. Great___________(变化)have taken place in our hometown. 11. Many students like listening to _________(音乐)very much. 12. There are a lot of old__________(工厂)in our city. 13. A powerful earthquake hit Wenchuan in ________(西南方), China’s Sichuan Province on May 12th. 14. Something is wrong with my ___________. I can’t see anything around me. 15. Betty has a beautiful_________. She can sing very well. 16. You can get much __________ bout the world Expo on the Internet. 二.单项选择 1. --Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now? --Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are_____________. A. friends B. neighbors C. classmates D. strangers 2. --Why are you still waiting in line? --I’ve missed my___________. A. place B. order C. turn D. time 3. --I hear you have to run


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