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9个最容易最有效的减肥方法The 9 Easiest And Most Effective Tips For Weight LossQuestion: Which way towards a goal gives you the highest probability of success?问题:哪种方法能给你最大成功可能?Easy answer: The simplest and easiest way.容易的答案:最简单最容易的方法。It sounds obvious, but it’s worth saying, because I’m continually amazed at how people make weight loss way, way more complicated than it needs to be. The honest truth is that weight loss can be really simple and really easy — all you need to do is focus on making small changes in the areas that have big influence on the weight loss equation.这是显而易见的,但值得说,因为我一直惊讶于人们减肥的方式,它们比所需要的更为复杂。事实是,减肥是很简单容易的—你所需要做的就是专注于在一些对减肥有很大影响的地方做些改变。I’m going to help you do just that with 10 easy and very effective tips for weight loss.我打算帮助用10种容易且非常有效的方法来减肥。1.Stop Snacking不吃零食Snacking is the number one saboteur of weight loss. Period. Why? Because people just end up eating way too many calories when they’re constantly popping snacks into their mouths. The other problem is that most “snacks” are based on refined sugar — very calorie dense and not very satisfying. When’s the last time you felt full after eating that fun sized bag of candy? Mindless snacking is absolutely pointless and totally destructive to weight loss. Don’t do it.吃零食是减肥的头号杀手。就是这样。为什么?因为当人们不断吃零食时,人最终会摄取太多的卡路里。另一个问题是,大部分的“零食”是基于精制糖—热量很高,不管饱。最后一次你吃完大袋糖果后觉得饱了是什么时候?盲目吃零食绝对是不可取的,会完全不利于减肥。不要这样做。2.Don’t Drink Liquid Calories不要喝液体卡路里If snacking is the number one weight loss saboteur, then liquid calories are a close second. They pose the exact same problem: It’s just too easy to consume way too many calories when you’re guzzling down sugary drinks that don’t satiate you at all.如果吃零食是减肥的头号杀手,那么液体卡路里差不多是第二。它们有着同样的问题:当你喝下并不能使你饱足的含糖饮料时,很容易摄入太多的卡路里。This includes sports drinks. Gatorade isn’t inherently bad, but the fact is that the vast majority of people do not need sports drinks. Unless you’re actually depleting your glycogen stores with more than 60 consecutive minutes of hard training, sports drinks of any kind are


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