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哈佛75年研究报告:什么样的人才能活得更美好? 导读:在这75年间,哈佛大学的研究显示:发展得最好的人是那些把精力投入关系,尤其是家人、朋友和周围人群的人。 以下为Dr. Robert Waldinger 演讲内容: 生命进程中,是什么让我们保持健康和幸福?如果你现在开始着手规划未来最好的人生,你会把时间和精力花在哪里?回答有很多种,我们已经被无以计数的有关生活中最重要事物的图景轰炸了。媒体上充斥着那些富有、高声望、建立起自己事业帝国的成功人士故事。并且我们对这些故事坚信不疑。有个最新的调查,询问1980-2000年生的年轻人,他们最重要的人生目标有哪些。超过80%的人说,他们主要的生活目标是要变富有。这群年轻人中,还有50%说他们另一个主要生活目标是成名。 What keeps us healthy and happy as we go through life? If you were going to invest now in your future best self, where would you put your time and your energy? There are lots of answers out there. We are bombarded with images, what’s most important in life. The media are filled with stories of people who are rich and famous and building empires at work. And we believe those stories. There’s a recent survey of millennials asking them what their most important life goals were. And over 80% said that the major life goal for them was to get rich. And another 50% of those same young adults said another major life goal was to become famous. 我们总是被告诫要投入工作,努力奋斗,完成更多。我们似乎觉得要生活得更好,这些就是我们需要追求的。可事实真是这样吗?这些真的是在人类生命历程中帮助他们保持幸福感的东西吗? And we are constantly told to lean into work, and to push harder, and achieve more. We are given the impression that these are the things that we need to go after in order to have a good life. But is that true? Is that really what keeps people happy as they go through life? 人一生中所做的选择以及这些选择怎样影响他们,我们几乎无从得知。我们对于人生绝大多数的理解,是从他人的回忆中获得的。我们知道,人是不可能有完整清楚的记忆的。我们生命中大部分发生过的事情我们都遗忘了。有时我们记忆形成过程简直充满创造性。马克·吐温曾经说过类似的话。他说道,“我人生中一些最悲惨的事情根本就没发生过。” 研究显示,随着年龄的增长,我们实际上以一种更积极的方式在保存我们的记忆。我想起一张广告上说的:“任何时候开始拥有幸福的童年,都不算晚。” Pictures of entire lives, of the choices that people make and how those choices work out for them,those pictures are almost impossible to get. Most of what we know about human life, we know from asking people to remember the past. And as we know,hindsight is anything but 20/20. We forget vast amounts of what happens to us in our lives. And sometimes memory was downright creative. Mark Twain understood this. He’s quoted as saying, “so


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