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山东高考新题型 高二阅读表达专练 为了配合高二学生的期末考试,《英语周报》特编写了山东高考新题型 — 阅读表达。祝同学们考试顺利! (一) 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下面一篇短文,并完成文章后的题目。 When people talk about printing, they usually mean making exact copies of an original document, such as a newspaper, magazine or an entire book. The inventions that have allowed us to do this are some of the most important developments in history. Look around you at the many examples of printed materials. Can you imagine life without them? Until the thirteenth century, all material had to be printed by hand, one copy at a time. To make a copy of a book took much time and effort. The oldest known example of a printed book was made in China in 848 A. D. by Wang Chieh, who carved each page of a book by hand onto a block of wood. He then put ink on the wood and pressed it on paper. The idea of printing with wood blocks spread to Europe. The letters in these block books were made to look handwritten. In about 1440, a German goldsmith named Johann Gutenberg developed the idea of movable type. He invented separate letters made of metal for printing. The letters could be joined together to make words and sentences. Ink was applied to the letters to print many copies of the same material. Because they were made of metal, the letters could be used over and over. This wonderful invention made it possible to have more printed material at a lower cost. Gutenberg had other ideas that were important to printing. He developed a special type of ink that would stick to the new metal letters. Gutenberg’s ideas were so successful that the process of printing ______ for more than 300 years. 1. What is “movable type” according to the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.) _______________________________________________________________ 2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one? The invention was so good that people could get printed material cheaply. ____________________________


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