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中英文模板 篇一:模板工程中英文(个人整理) 模板工程 formworks 一、材料 模板 formwork 胶合板 plywood 木板、木料 timber 木杆 pole 支撑(支架) brace 钢板 steel sheet 预埋螺栓 holding down bolts 铁丝 iron wire 铁钉 nail 钢管 steel pipe(steel tube 直径较大钢管) 槽钢 channel steel 泡沫材料 foam material 预制模板 prefabricated formwork 二、施工机具及设备 电锯 electric saw 电刨 electric plane 铁锤 hummer 激光经纬仪 lesser theodolite 激光接收器 lesser receiver 水准仪 water level 滑动平台 slipping platform 垂直运输设备 vertical transportation equipment 提升机lifting 卷扬机 winch 龙门架 gantry 发电机 generator 三、专业名称及构件名称 锚件固定 anchor shoring (shore 支撑) 安装模板 fix the formwork 安装及拆除模板 install(fabricate) and demolish(remove) 支模 erect formwork 支撑系统 supporting system 支撑体 supporting member 支撑 support 倾倒 collapse 强度 strength the formwork 刚度 rigidity (rigid 坚固的) 稳定性 stability 高支模 high formwork 滑模 slip formwork 整套模板 the complete set of the formwork 截面直径 section diameter 模板截面尺寸 the section of formwork 设计草图 design draft 最大尺寸 maximum size 抵抗浮力 resist the floating force 坚实地面 hard ground 层高 the height between floors 上一层 upper floor 当前层 existing floor 一般墙 ordinary wall 侧表面 side surface 内外筒模板 internal and external formwork 安全措施 safety measure 技术部 technical department 合同条件 contract condition 四、工程质量及检测 五、相关句子 1,A plastic paste tap to seal the joint 用塑料黏液来密封连接处 2,Gradually enlarge up to 3m 逐渐增大到3m 3,The winches are equipped with double steel cables and brakes and as well as safety switches 这个卷扬机装备了双层钢丝绳、刹车和安全闸 4,There are many safety measures such as putting up the warning sign boards on the entrance of the site, the safety net surrounded the platform and the safety shed on many levels for the protection from fallings 我们有许多安全方面的措施,如:在工地入口处挂警告牌,平台周围设置安全网,很多 楼层上方都布有防坠物的安全棚 5,First of all, we are interested in the design of the formworks.我们对模板设计很感兴趣 6,Outlet formwork in the circular water pumping house 循环水泵房出水口模板 7,According to the specification the deformation of the formwork surface should not exceed 1/400 the span of the formwork but here yo


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