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Unit3 Our Hobbies Topic2 What sweet music! Section A 宋农中学 彭亚林 Can you remember what instruments they played. [?nstr?m?nt] 乐器 the violin the piano the drums erhu the guitar [,va??l?n] [dr?m] 4 1 5 2 3 Listen and match ( ) the violin ( ) the piano ( ) the guitar ( ) the drums Listen to 2a and number the pictures. 3 4 2 1 (录音1) ( ) erhu 5 Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. What kind of musical instruments do you know ? 2. Which is your favorite ? guzheng the flute/ the dizi erhu pipa Do you know who is she? What ’s the name of the song? Celine Dion. My Heart Will Go On. She is going to give a concert in China? 音乐会,演唱会 [kɑ:ns?t] 2. What time is the concert going to start? 1.What is Sally going to do this Sunday evening? She is going to a concert. At 7:30 p.m. Listen to 1a and answer the two questions. 去听 去听音乐会 Read 1a after the flash. Read in two groups. Can you find these sentences and phrase in 1a? go to a concert give a concert at the Music Hall take a …lesson lend …to…. How exciting! It sounds beautiful! 去听音乐会 开演唱会 上一节……课 在音乐厅 借……给…… 真令人兴奋! 它太好听了! go on 继续 Do some exercise 1.After having a short rest,the fammer went on _____on the farm. A.sleeping B.to work C.to sleep D.working 2._Tomorrow our school will have a trip ,but I have no bike. _Don’t worry .I will _____ you. A.lend one to B.lend for C.borrow one from D.borrow 3._Where is Celine Dion going to ______the concert? _At the Music Hall. A.take B.give C.singing D.has D A B Read 1a in pairs,and then act it out. Read these sentences together. A.What are you going to do…? B.I’m going to a concert. A.Who is going to sing at the concert? _______________________ A.Where is/are… going to give the concert? B… is/are going to give the concert___________. A.What time is it going to start? B.It is going to start_________. Want to see you favorite pop singers? Want to spend a wonderful ev


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