高三英语 Unit4 law and order-welcome and reading课件 牛津译林版选修10.ppt

高三英语 Unit4 law and order-welcome and reading课件 牛津译林版选修10.ppt

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研究理解句子,并注意划线部分的具体意义 1.Cybercrime is a relatively new term that refers to any computer-related criminal offence.(P50 Lines 2-3) 网络犯罪是一个相对较新的词语, 指任何与电脑相关的犯罪。 2. Firstly , the council lists crimes related to security, such as hacking .(P50, Lines7-9) 首先,欧洲议会列出了涉及与安全相关的犯罪,如黑客行为。 3.Secondly, it notes crimes that are not specifically computer-related, meaning that they can be committed with or without a computer, an example of which is fraud…(Page 50 lines 11-13) 第二, 它指出了与电脑并非特别相关的犯罪,即此类犯罪可通过电脑来实现,但也可不通过电脑来实现,如欺诈就是此类犯罪的一种。 4. Lastly , it identifies those offences relating to breaking intellectual property and copyright laws.( P50, lines15-16) 最后, 它定义了同侵犯知识产权和违反版权法相关的犯罪 。 5.A survey conducted in 2002…, showed that 90 per cent of the 503 biggest companies and government departments questioned had had their security systems broken into in the previous year. (P50, Lines26-30) 美国的一家私人机构,电脑安全协会,2002年进行的一项调查表明,在被调查的503家最大的公司和政府部门中,有90%的单位安全系统在前一年遭到入侵,80%的单位损失了数百万的美金。 6. Considering how bad the situation with cybercrime against companies has got, many people wonder why so little is known about this. (page 51 Lines 34-35) 考虑到针对公司的网络犯罪的 情况有多么恶劣, 许多人质疑为什么我们对于这些犯罪知之甚少。 7.All of this is further complicated by the legal situation regarding cybercrime.(page 51 line 39) 有关网络犯罪的法律状况使形势更加复杂。 8.It is so important to make new laws and create international standards for these laws similar to those concerning international airspace.(page51 lines49-51) 制定新的法律并为其建立类似于有关国际空域的国际标准也很重要。 9. The only solution to this problem is international cooperation. (P51,Line 47) 这个问题的唯一的解决办法就是国际合作. 10.The technical skills of these criminals are among the best in the world, which means that governments must combine their technological resources to keep up. (P.51,Lines47-49) 这些罪犯的技术水平在世界属于先进水平,这意味着政府必须集合他们的技术资源来跟进。 Goodbye! 秦建华 1. Do you know what ‘order’ refers to? It refers to the condition in which people obey laws and rules. 2. What can you think of when speaking of crime? Types of crimes such a



