美林的行业分析框架中英文翻译本 .pptVIP

美林的行业分析框架中英文翻译本 .ppt

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2018-7-18 HK000I5D_ML_ChinaOpportunities_0804.ppt DRAFT China Industry Primer(中国行业概况) [ ] August 18, 2004 CONFIDENTIAL HK000I5X Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2018-7-18 HK000I5D_ML_ChinaOpportunities_0804.ppt 1 Industry Primer – [ ](行业概况) Market Overview(市场概述) Break down to province / region and subsector as appropriate Include as much detail as appropriate / possible Footnote all your sources!! ____________________ Source: [ ] [Data to come] [Data to come] [Data to come] Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2018-7-18 HK000I5D_ML_ChinaOpportunities_0804.ppt 2 Industry Primer – [ ] Key Industry Characteristics(!主要行业特征) [Fragmented market](细分市场) [State-ownership](国有性) [Import or export driven](进出口导向) [Segmentation of market space](市场空间分割) [Innovation driven ?](创新驱动) [Cyclical ?](周期性) [Demographic-driven](人口驱动) [Protected sector](受保护方面) [Low penetration](低行业渗透) [Lacking certain expertise](特定专业知识匮乏) [Scale-play](规模) [Brand-driven](品牌驱动) [High barrier of entry](高进入壁垒) [High RD](高研发投入) Recent Developments [Introduction of certain technology](特定技术引进) [Opening of certain markets](特定市场开发) [Cutting import tariff](进口关税削减) Rely on news run, industry sector reports, discussions in company annual reports 近期发展走向 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile . Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 2018-7-18 HK000I5D_ML_ChinaOpportunities_0804.ppt 3 Industry Primer – [ ] Key Industry Trends(!主要行业趋势) [Certain product type popular]产品类型流行 [Price cuts]降价 [Intensifying competition]增强的竞争 [Margin compression]利润压缩 [Coupled with financing – electronics for example]财务、电子设备的举例 [Domestic consolidation]国内的兼并 [Diversification of customer base]客户基础的多样性 [Inter-provincial expansion]跨省扩张 [Declining import tariff]进口关税下降 [Government‘s stance and position]政府姿态 [Funding – more private sector capital]资金 - 更多的私营部门的资金 [Shif


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