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本科毕业论文 题目: 邻近边坡爆破振动规律实验研究 学 院: 理学院 专 业: 工程力学 学 号: 201007152040 学生姓名: 王佳亮 指导教师: 钟冬望 日 期: 二〇一四年六月 摘 要 随着爆破在边坡开挖过程中的应用越来越广泛,爆破地震效应对于边坡稳定性的影响在实际工程中被人们渐渐地发现和认识。探索爆破震动在岩质边坡的传播规律及其对于边坡稳定性的影响,通过实验研究找到切实可行的有效的方法来减少爆破震动对于岩质边坡的不良影响有着深远又重大的意义。 本文在理论分析和室内试验的基础上,主要进行了一下几方面的工作: 从边坡质点振动速度的角度分析,得出了爆破振动在边坡中的传播规律。在没有减震沟的情况下,得出混凝土边坡模型的质点振速衰减公式为: 式中:为坡顶检测质点振速峰值,cm/s;为坡底检测质点振速峰值,cm/s;Q为单段最大药量,kg;R为爆源至测点的水平距离,m。 可以发现,在同等条件下坡顶振速大于坡底振速,高程放大效应比较明显。 在有减震沟的情况下:通过爆破区的测点3与保护区的测点4的振速最大值进行比较可得,垂直方向振速最大值降低了72.7%,水平方向振速最大值降低了67.9%;同样,取爆破区的测点6与保护区的测点5的振速最大值进行比较可得,垂直方向振速最大值降低了86.2%。而水平方向振速最大值降低了64.7%。从上可得:人工预留的预裂缝作为减震沟具有明显的减震效果。 关键词: 边坡; 爆破振动; 振动响应; 实验分析 Abstract With blasting slope excavation process more widely, the impact of blasting seismic effect of slope stability in the actual project been gradually discover. Explore the blasting vibration in rock slope propagation of its impact on slope stability; through experimental research to find practical and effective ways to reduce vibration for rock slope and has far-reaching negative impact significance . Based on the theoretical analysis and laboratory experiments, mainly for the following work areas: From the analysis of?the slope?angle of the?particle vibration velocity,?thepropagation?law of blasting vibration?in slope. In the absence of?damping ditch?case,?the?particle vibration?velocity attenuationformula?of concrete slope?model?for: Type: as?the?detection?of peak particle vibration,?cm/s; ?as the bottom of the slopedetection?of peak particle vibration,?cm/s;?Q as the?single?maximum loading,?kg; R is the source to the measurement point explosion horizontal distance, m Can be found?in?the same conditions,?the top?velocity?is greater than the?downhillslope bottom?velocity,?elevation amplification?effect is more obvious. In the case of the damping ditch: through the survey point point blasting area 3and reserve of 4 of the maximum velocity is compared to the vertical direction, the maximum ve


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