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基于“云计算”的智能交通系统设计与实现 中文摘要 智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)技术与交通的产物,云计算本文围绕云计算技术结合其在应用中的运营特点设计并实现了“”,此系统具有业务策略支撑、资源监控、服务迁移和业务快速部署等多方面的功能研究分析预测云环境中服务提供商租用云平台供应商提供的诸如服务器CPU、内存磁盘等基础设施资源。如果业务运营所占用的某项资源指标的值超过其申请的资源量时,系统将会出现资源枯竭状况。针对这一问题,研究分析预测,使用户能够及时地了解系统将会出现的资源枯竭等现象,并采取有效的处理措施,进而使整个系统更加智能化,人性化; 4系统实现。以云计算技术为基础采用RESTful Web Service开发面向SaaS的导航定位应用软件以服务的形式向用户提供面向大众的集成化的导航定位服务。 关键词:云计算,智能交通,交通信息云,GPS,交通运输管理 Based on the cloud computing design and implementation of intelligent transportation system Abstract Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) as a product of electronic information technology and the integration of the transport sector is to solve the urban traffic congestion, improve traffic safety, one of the best ways to improve the operating efficiency of the vehicle..Cloud computing as an emerging computing and business model ,is accelerating the process of serving the information industry and traffic information .Accelerate the development of cloud computing technology development and application in the field of intelligent transportation, for enhancing the citys comprehensive traffic information processing, promote industrial upgrading and optimize the structure, change the mode of economic development has a positive meaning, the market prospect is broad. The problem of traffic congestion as the year population growth is too fast, the shortage of water resources as a thorny problem facing our planet national many city .Human beings in the disaster and the barrier in front of wisdom, always. As the family planning policy, now, intelligent transportation system has become one of the governments have to implement the project. As everyone knows the intelligent transportation system is certainly the future development direction of traffic, modern transport system will be advanced science and technology applied to the ground and air traffic system, the establishment of a very accurate, efficient, real-time automatic comprehensive transportation manag


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